Daniel 2:36-45, Part 2b – Introduction to the Kingdoms – Medes-Persian

Medes-Persian Kingdom/Empire (Arms/Chest of Silver)

Babylon was swallowed up and incorporated by the Medo-Persian Empire which became the next predominate power. It is worth repeating that ‘swallowed up’ means that Babylon’s practices, culture, customs, traditions, religion, etc. became a part of the Medo-Persian Empire. Each successive kingdom does the same.

Media and Persia were in alliance. In the alliance, one had more strength and power than the other as we will see depicted in future studies (Daniel 7:5 bear, 8:3-4 goat). Remember, the principle of repeat and enlarge. Medes and Persians were represented by silver which was less valuable than gold, but the metal was stronger than gold. This kingdom was also symbolically represented by a bear that was lifted up on one side and had three ribs in its mouth. It was lifted up on one side which represented one kingdom had more strength than the other. We will cover more in a later chapter at which time we will identify the meaning of the three ribs in the mouth of the bear. The Medes and Persians are also represented by a goat which we will also discuss in a later chapter. Although the Medes and the Persians were united politically, they never blended into one people.

As we study, we will discover that Gabriel tells Daniel that three kings will still rise from Persia and after that a fourth. The three successive kings exert dominion over Persia: Cambyses, the False Smerdis, and Darius. The fourth king is Xerxes, who is also mentioned in the book of Esther as Ahasuerus (Esther 1:1-7).

Darius the Great (Medes) and Cyrus the Great (Persia) were rulers of the Achaemenid (Persian) empire. Cyrus was its founder, and later Darius ruled the empire leading it to the height of prosperity. Daniel served under both rulers.

Cyrus had become king of Persia by the death of his father, and on behalf of the allied powers of Media and Persia had succeeded in conquering all the tribes of Central Asia; the powerful kingdoms of Armenia and Lydia, with all the other peoples to the north and northwest clear to the Black Sea and the Agean; and also, Syria and Arabia. And now, he was ready to make descent upon the mighty Babylon itself, which, if it should prove successful, would give to the united forces of Media and Persia the predominance of the world.

In Daniel 5 we are told that Belshazzar, the last Babylonian king, fell to the Medes and Persians. Belshazzar was having a party and was using the sacred vessels of God’s temple to drink wine. A hand appeared and wrote MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN on the wall, meaning “God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” The Medes and Persian conquest of Babylon is fact, is history. They ruled from 539BC to 331BC.

 Note: The prophecy about Cyrus – King of Persia, would one day make it possible for the Jews to return home from their exile in Babylon (see the book of Ezra). Isaiah predicted this great event, even mentioning Cyrus by name (Isa. 44:28; 45:1), some 150 years before Cyrus’s time. Amazing!