Lessons from Moses – Baby in Basket

Scripture: Exodus 1:1-22, Exodus 2:1-10, Hebrews 11:23

This six-part series is an overview of the Book of Exodus and the lessons we can reap from the life of Moses.

Moses was one of the greatest hero’s in the Bible and is still alive in Heaven today. Every person on earth has been affected in some way by the life of Moses. This multi-part series examines the entire 40 chapters of the Book of Exodus.

As the story of the exodus unfolds, we will come to understand their experience of enslavement, God’s marvelous intervention of deliverance, His gracious condescension in entering into covenant relation with them, their struggles with sin and obedience, and God’s longsuffering and love in the face of their repeated unfaithfulness.  His people, who were to be the greatest nation on earth and evangelist to the world, could not thwart His plan for them no matter how deep their apostacy would run.

God codified his law with his own finger.  The law had been in existence from the beginning, but now was a time to renew the covenant for after 400 years of enslavement it needed to be revived in the heart and minds of God’s people.

We can relate to this beautiful story of His love because we too are waiting for our exodus from the enslavement to a sin filled world, His promise of deliverance from this situation into a perfect holy union with him; and meanwhile we are to be the messengers of the Good News to all the world so the end can come, and he suffers long with us in love as he did with the people in the exodus.  The law is as essential today as it was in the beginning for it directs us to love the Lord our God with all our heart and might; and to love others as we love ourself.  In fact, love so much that we also love our enemies.  The Ten Commandments, God’s law, is foundational to his government and character.

In Genesis 3:15 we were introduced to the plan of salvation after the fall.  We also learned that  the nakedness from sin can only be covered by God’s righteousness.  He slayed an innocent animal in order to make a garment to cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness that sin caused.  All of these acts of God pointed to the coming Messiah. In Exodus, God enlarges the understanding of the plan of salvation through the sanctuary and the services performed therein.  It is a most beautiful story that is still relevant to us today.

Below is the first presentation of six which covers the early life of Moses. Doug Batchelor, Amazing Facts. Date: 01/11/1997 


I will post one video daily.  Enjoy.