Affirming Truths 2

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A Message to Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ: 

The content of these articles are intended to point out religious systems that are in error. The Plain Word wants to make it absolutely clear that God has people who love Jesus in all churches. There are many faithful believers in Roman Catholicism and Protestantism who serve God with the understanding that they have and are seen by God as His children. God is the searcher of the heart. We do not advocate that people in Sunday-keeping churches are lost, God winks at those that are uniformed (Acts 17:30). With that said, in the end of time, His truth will be made abundantly clear regarding His truth as it relates to the gospel message, the seventh-day Sabbath instituted at Creation, among others. It will be made so obvious that the people living in those days will have to make a choice and this is where the applying of the seal of God or the mark of the Beast occurs. Why is this the time in history that this occurs? Because Jesus is coming to gather His people and all people will have made a choice. Those that find the truth and purpose in their heart to reject it at any time, God judges not man.

The information contained herein is directed only towards systems such as the Roman Catholic religio-political system that has reigned in varying degrees for centuries. Under the influence of its successive popes, bishops, and cardinals, this system has established an increasing number of doctrines and statements that clearly go against Scripture. In Protestantism we will review the truths the Reformers gave their lives for and how these truths have been compromised,

It is our sincere desire to lay the clear Word of God before you, the truth-seeking reader, so you may study and decide for yourself. If you find herein anything contrary to the Word of God, you need not accept it. But if you desire to seek for Truth as for hidden treasure, and find herein something of that quality, we encourage you to make all haste to accept that Truth which is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit.

Our encouragement to all our readers is to prayerfully compare all things to the Holy Bible. We use the King James Version as our standard of God’s Holy Word. If another version is used in our posts it is duly noted. If you are seeking truth, you will find it…that is a promise of God. God bless you in your search to know God.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article and website are not intended to accuse individuals. There are many faithful believers in Roman Catholicism and Protestantism who serve God to the best of their ability and are seen by God as His children. The information contained herein is directed only towards the religio-political and religious systems that embrace doctrines and statements that clearly go against Scripture.
It is our sincere desire to lay the clear Word of God before our viewer, the truth-seeking reader, so you may decide for yourself what is truth and what is error. If you find herein anything contrary to the Word of God, you need not accept it. But if you desire to seek for Truth as for hidden treasure, and find herein something of that quality, we encourage you to make all haste to accept that Truth which is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit.

2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”   AND  1 Thessalonians 5:21, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”