The Journey

Holy Word of God

Being rooted in the word of God is the key to growing in love with Christ.  Christ’s great love and gift of salvation creates a desire to be holy and a desire to image Him, which leads to bearing His image.  He did not leave us to figure this out on our own, for we are blind to our own sin.  He sent us a Helper and Comforter, the Holy Spirit.  It is the Spirit who guides (John 16:13) and convicts us in biblical truth; leading us to confess and repent.  The Spirit helps us into obedience, and intercedes in our prayers to God (Rom. 8:26; Jn.14:26; Eph. 2:18, 6:18).  It is our response to Christ’s great love that inspires us in the bearing of good fruit.  Even then, it is the Spirit who helps us grow and bear this fruit.  Collectively, this prepares the believer to share the gospel truths, which is what Christians are called to do in anticipation for the return of Christ.

As we see, the entire Godhead (1 Jn. 5:7) is involved in saving us.  God sent His Son who became flesh (Jesus Christ), Christ lived a sinless and obedient life unto death and rose on the third day, He ascended to be our High Priest (Heb. 4:14-16, add’l verses ESV) and Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5-6. add’l verses ESV) presenting us covered in His righteousness as blameless before the Father, the Father accepts us through His Son (Ephesians 1:3-6, Colossians 1:21-22, John 6:37), and all the while the Holy Spirit came to be our Comforter and Helper in walking us through the process of sanctification until the return of Christ (John 14:26, 15:26, 16:7,13-15, verses).  Just as all three were involved in the beginning at Creation; they are as fully involved in our redemption.

The Father is God, the Word (Jesus Christ) is God the Son, and the Holy Spirit is God; these three are One (1 x 1 x 1 = 1).

Where Do I Begin

Many wonder where to begin.  Some attempt to read the Bible cover to cover; while others study by topic or themes.  For us, we have found it beneficial to simply have a good understanding of the beginning and build on it from there. For example; it is easier to understand what happened in the Garden of Eden if one understands what occurred earlier in heaven with Lucifer.

Genesis 1-11 is foundational which rests the entire Bible.  The Bible principle (good verses evil) is repeat and enlarge throughout is pages, so it is essential to have knowledge of the Old Testament for it is what the New Testament is based upon.  We really have just one testament about our origins, sin-sinner (our human condition), and the remedy.  This is the crux of our ministry and our aim is to be a partner in this journey through the scriptures.

One Testament

Here are some fun facts. Some 352 New Testament verses are directly

  • quoted
  • quotation is introduced by the conjunction “and”
  • paraphrased or summarized
  • and at least 45 instances where there is strong similarity. Regarding the last bullet point above, the similarity with certain Old Testament passages is so pronounced that although no explicit indication is given. it is obvious the New Testament author was referring to Old Testament Scripture.  So, one verse in 22.5 of the New Testament directly refers back to the Old Testament.  Resource: New Testament Use of the Old Testament by Roger Nicole, 

The Bible Stands Alone

Unequivocally, we can say the Bible is not like any other book. It is really a collection of 66 books. The Bible serves as a library containing information on origins, history, laws, poetry, proverbs, songs, letters, prophecy, has scientific statements, and is complete with eye-witness accounts and testimonies. There were:

  • multiple authors (40+)
  • with varied backgrounds (shepherds, kings, scholars, fishermen, a physician, prophets, a military general, a cupbearer, priest), they composed their works from diverse places (palaces, prisons, the wilderness, places of exile)
  • who wrote from three different continents
  • written over a nearly two thousand year period
  • contains three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek)
  • and yet, maintains a flawless consistent message never contradicting itself.

Natural explanations fail to account for the supernatural character and origin of scripture.  The Plain Word stands on “all scripture is God breathed and is useful” (2 Timothy 3:16-172 Peter 1:20-21).   From Genesis to Revelation, we see man’s repeated rebellion against his holy Creator.  God made a perfect world, but mankind has continually rejected His authority and sought to decide truth for himself by defining what is good and what is evil.  Nevertheless, God made known His plan of redemption which was fulfilled with absolute precision. Redemption is complete with promises of extending His love, grace, and mercy to unworthy people so that none need to perish (John 3:16-17).

In Summary

The absolute unity of Scripture demonstrates its supernatural inspiration. Only God could provide us with such a flawless Bible that reveals such a matchless message: the Lord’s staggering love for His creation.    66 Books . . . 1 Message.

He is the timeless Message in this amazing book.  This Message is there for our justification and sanctification; which is his preparation for our glorification.  The Message is there for an emergency application when we fall.  The Message is endearing, yet gives guided discipline as needed to the sinful heart.  He will bless you as you search him out.

Christ’s Object Lessons: Desponding soul, take courage, even though you have done wickedly.  Do not think perhaps that God will pardon your transgressions and permit you to come into His presence.  God has made the first advance.  While you where in rebellion against Him, He went forth to seek you.  With the tender heart of the shepherd, He left the ninety and nine and went out into the wilderness to find that which was lost.  The soul, bruised and wounded and ready to perish, He encircles in His arms of love and joyfully bears it to the fold of safety.


Who Wrote the Bible, Bibleinfo, 

THE REBELLION: The Earth – Between Light and Darkness

Please take a seat and join Prof Walter Veith and Henry Stober on exciting journeys through one of the most breathtaking countries on earth: Iceland.

Hardly any other place on earth offers such a spectrum of magnificent nature. A perfect backdrop to record “THE EARTH BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARKNESS”.

Did you know that there was a rebellion in heaven? Prof. Veith gives an impressive account of what took place in the heavens before the creation of our planet. This rebellion brought a dramatic change for the whole universe, mankind finds themselves in the midst of this great struggle, this great controversy between good and evil. It is about nothing less than life or death, future or hopelessness.

Walter Veith is an experienced speaker from South Africa. He travels to numerous places around the world with his selected lectures. Thereby he has helped numerous people to get a better understanding of the important topic of “THE GREAT CONFLICT BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARKNESS”.

Disclaimer:  THE PLAIN WORD may quote an outside article(s) or provide references to outside materials, which indicate that we stand behind the content of that particular article, topic or reference; but it is not an endorsement by The Plain Word of the author’s opinion, lifestyle or work published elsewhere. 

2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”   AND  1 Thessalonians 5:21, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”