Genesis 26 – Overview

Genesis 26

While Isaac is mentioned in other chapters, he is the main character in Genesis 26. The following parallels emerge between Isaac and his father, Abraham, in their life events:

  • Isaac travels to Gerar—the land of the Philistines—when famine strikes (vs. 1-6). This is the same area Abraham and Sarah journeyed after Sodom’s destruction (20:1).
  • Due to famine, Isaac plans on travelling to the same place that Abraham went: Egypt (12:10-20).
  • In fear of losing his life, Isaac lies about Rebekah’s identity just as Abraham withheld the truth of Sarah’s full identity. (The Abimelech in verse 8, is not the same Abimelech in Abraham’s time.  Either ‘Abimelech’ is a title for the ruler of Gerar or it may have been a descendent of the Abimelech of Abraham’s time.
  • Just as Abraham, when Isaac’s prosperity grew, he needed more space and water for their flocks. Abraham sought peace when disputes broke out between Lot’s herdsmen and his herdsmen. Likewise, Isaac avoids escalating conflicts when Gerar’s contentious herdsmen plug the first two wells he and his men dug.

The names of the wells in verses 20-22 reflect the situations. Esek means “argument” in Hebrew, a reminder of the conflict its discovery created. Sitnah comes from a Hebrew verbal root meaning “to oppose; to be an adversary,” and signals that the digging of this well causes opposition from the Philistines. Rehoboth comes from a verbal root meaning “to make room,” and reminds all how God has made room for them. Since he finally has a well that is uncontested, Isaac might logically have decided to stay there. Instead, he moves on to Beersheba (26:33).” –Layman’s Bible Commentary

Isaac’s second revelation from God is in Beersheba (vs. 23-25). God reviews the promises He gave earlier (vs. 2-5) and stills Isaac’s fears. In response, Isaac builds an altar and worships God. The fact that he settles in Beersheba seems to indicate God’s pleasure in his relocation from the Philistine region.

Verses 26-33 end on a sweet note. King Abimelech approaches Isaac with a peace treaty as he acknowledges God’s blessings on Isaac. Not one to miss an opportunity to make peace, Isaac throws a celebration for him.

Isaac followed Abraham’s life pattern. We should be intentional in what we model to our children. Do our words, attitudes, and actions reflect Christ?

The Philistines grew jealous of Isaac’s success. By plugging up Isaac’s wells, Gerar’s herdsmen were declaring war. But Isaac compromised his father’s former wells and moved on. Isaac’s pursuit of peace spread godly influence and won Abimelech’s respect. Are we willing to forgive and meet our enemy’s attempt to make amends?