Genesis 43 Overview, Joseph’s Brothers Return with Benjamin

Genesis 43

In the previous chapter we learned, Joseph’s ploy with his brothers showed that he way trying to teach them a lesson, as well as learn more about his own family.

There is reason to believe the brothers went to Egypt for grain in the first year of the famine.  Joseph knew it would last seven years, but his brothers did not.  It is possible Jacob originally thought they had enough to survive the famine and they would never need to go back with Benjamin, and never need to go back and get Simeon.  However, the famine wore on and eventually they ran out of food.

Jacob labored with his sons about them telling Joseph that they had another brother, but they contended that they could not have known that he would request that Benjamin be brought back if they returned for more food.

Judah put his own life on the line as a guarantee for Benjamin.  This is the first good thing we see that Judah did.  Previously, he was the one who had proposed the sale of Joseph.  He was the one who wronged his daughter-in-law Tamar and had sex with her as a harlot.

Jacob was clearly desperate and finally conceded and sent his sons back to buy ‘little food’; and in the process his sons were to return the money doubled and take generous gifts to a potential enemy.  Remember, Esau and the gifts Jacob brought to him.

A True Change

During the years since Joseph had been separated from his brothers, these sons of Jacob (Israel) had changed in character.  Envious, turbulent, deceptive, cruel, and revengeful they had been; but now, when tested by adversity, they were shown to be unselfish, true to one another, devoted to their father, and, themselves middle-aged men, subject to his authority. EGW, PP p.225.

Jacob’s response to Reuben’s offer helped reveal the pain he had suffered at the loss of Joseph.  Only when the famine got too severe that he had no choice (v. 8) did he agree to let his youngest son go back with them.

The Purpose of the Feast

Joseph directed that the men (his brothers) be taken to his house. They became afraid, so they immediately began to explain things to the steward of Joseph’s house regarding the money that they found in their sacks on their way home from their first trip to Egypt.

Joseph had a purpose in making his brothers a feast.  He brought Simeon out to the table. Joseph was hospitable and gave them water to wash their feet. He treated them with kindness, this love and goodness from Joseph would win them over and bring them to full repentance.  It reminds us of Jesus’ love and kindness towards us while we were yet sinners, and this love causes us to fall on our knees at the foot of the cross to repent and lay out sins down.

They laid their gifts before Joseph and bowed down.  They once again fulfilled the dream Joseph had many years before.  They honored him not only out of respect, not only out of gratitude, but also out of need.

Much to their astonishment, Joseph sat his brothers down in the order of their birth, giving Benjamin five times as much food.  He did this in order to see if he was regarded with the envy and hatred that they manifested towards him many years before.  The fact that they ate and drank and were merry with him demonstrated to Joseph that they had indeed changed.

It had to be awesome to see Reuben and Judah willing to sacrifice so much to save their little brother.  They passed the test Joseph designed and they didn’t even know they were being tested!  Their volunteer spirit calls to mind this verse:

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.” Luke 9:24.

Joseph was especially affected at meeting his only full brother, Benjamin, whom he last saw as only a small child.  He was so overcome with emotion that he went into his chamber and wept. 

Satan’s Attack

Satan may have directed his attack against Joseph because he wanted to destroy the one through which would ultimately bring the Messiah.  Remember what he did to Able, however; God prevailed through Seth. It was obvious that Joseph had the greatest potential of being part of the Messianic lineage when compared to his older brothers. Also, he and Benjamin were the sons of Rachel. We can never under estimate to power of Satan.

Satan not only hated the children of Jacob for what they were, but also for what God would make of them.  The devil directs the same kind of hatred against believers today, as Satan considers the destiny God has for His people.

Revelation Reminder

In the long story of Genesis 43 there are some things reminiscent of the book of Revelation.  For instance, the word “abomination” is first used in this chapter.  That is how the Egyptians viewed the Hebrews, and would not sit at a table with them to eat; which led to a separation into two groups.  God didn’t see the Hebrews as abominable.  In Revelation 21:27, is where the last usage of the word “abomination” can be found…those who work abomination are not found in the book of life.

The scene of Joseph eating with his brothers should remind us of that Jesus wants a relationship with us and that there is a wonderful marriage supper of the Lamb coming where the redeemed shall gather at the long table to eat food with King Jesus (Rev. 3:20).  And at that table the ungodly will find no place, for they cannot enter Heaven because they did things God calls an “abomination” and refused to repent and be saved.