Genesis 48 Overview, Israel (Jacob) Blesses Joseph’s Sons

Genesis 48

Jacob’s (Israel) Time is Short

Jacob had talked about dying for many years (Gen. 37:35, 47:9), but now he truly nears the end of his days.  If this scene takes place immediately before the events of chapter 49, Jacob is literally on his deathbed.  Joseph, hearing of his father’s illness, comes to Jacob’s side with his two oldest sons to receive a blessing. Jacob’s frailty is reflected in the effort it takes him to sit up in bed (Gen. 48:1-2).

Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Two Sons

As Jacob approaches death, he remembers his earlier return to Bethel (Gen. 35:1-15), when he received from God the renewed promise of the “everlasting possession” (v. 4) that was given to Abraham Gen. 17:8(). The hope of the Promised Land is, therefore, a comforting thought that nurtures his hope as he feels death coming.

Jacob begins by pointedly recalling one of the times God Almighty appeared to him in Luz—also known as Bethel—and the promise God made to make his descendants into a nation with their home in Canaan (Genesis 28:12–15). It is important that Joseph understand the significance of this promise for himself and his sons after him.

Next comes a moment rich in irony, as it reflects Jacob’s own youth. When he was younger, Jacob conspired to trick his elderly, blind father into giving him a blessing instead of his older brother, Esau (Genesis 27:1–4; 19).

Jacob turns, then, to Joseph’s two sons. Now, his own sight failing, Jacob asks Joseph to clearly identify his sons standing before him.  Joseph prepares his sons to receive their grandfather’s blessing. He arranges the sons such that the older is to Jacob’s right side, and the younger to Jacob’s left. This followed typical customs of the day, and implied that the older son would receive the greater blessing. Perhaps because he is bowing, Joseph doesn’t notice that Jacob crosses his hands—placing his right hand on the head of the younger grandson (Genesis 48:13–14).

Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh, but does so in the context of the future promise regarding his own seed.  These two are the only grandsons that Jacob blessed. They are thus elevated from the status of grandsons to the status of sons (v. 5). In fact, he will elevate their position in the family above his actual oldest sons Reuben and Simeon. Although Jacob’s blessing implies a preeminence of the second (Ephraim) over the first (Manasseh), Jacob’s blessing concerns essentially Joseph (v. 15). Joseph’s family will receive a double portion of the inheritance. It’s significant that even now, the loss of Rachel is still fresh in Jacob’s mind. Perhaps claiming Ephraim and Manasseh as his own sons is a way to honor her once more (Genesis 48:3–7).

What we see here is a personal testimony about God’s faithfulness to them in the past and His promise for them in the future. Jacob refers to the God of Abraham and Isaac (v. 15), who had provided food and protection for them. It is the same God who “has redeemed me from all evil” v. 16). Jacob also has in mind “the God of Bethel” (Gen. 31:13), with whom he wrestled (Gen. 32:29) and who changed his name from Jacob to “Israel” (Gen. 32:26-29).

By referring to all these experiences where God turns the evil into good, Jacob expresses his hope that not only will God take care of the present lives of his grandsons, just as He did for him and Joseph, he also thinks of the future, when his descendants will return to Canaan. This hope is clear from his reference to Shechem (v. 22), which is not only a piece of land that he had acquired (Gen. 33:19) but also a place where Joseph’s bones will be buried (Joshua 24:32) and where the land will be distributed to the tribes of Israel (Joshua 24:1). Even amid all that has happened, Jacob kept in mind the promises of God, who said that through this family “all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3).

When Joseph realizes that Jacob placed his right hand upon Ephraim, he is displeased. The Hebrew word used here implies distress or frustration. Why, exactly, Joseph feels this way is unclear. He may have thought his father accidentally switched the boys. Perhaps he simply disagrees with the decision to give the greater honor to the younger Ephraim. Jacob clarifies that this is exactly what he intended. He concludes by saying the people of Israel will wish each other well by evoking the success of Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:17–20).

The chapter concludes with Jacob giving Joseph and his descendants a very specific piece of land in Canaan as a gift, as well. Earlier portions of Genesis don’t mention this specific piece of land, or Jacob’s conquest of it. The exact Hebrew word Jacob uses is shakem, so some speculate this is Shechem, which was overpowered by Jacob’s sons (Genesis 34:27). Yet he did not stay in that area or take possession of the territory. Joseph will be buried in this somewhat-obscure place (Joshua 24:32) Later, the New Testament will refer to a well dug by Jacob, in an area known by the name of Sychar (John 4:4–5). Regardless of how he came to possess it, this is part of Jacob’s legacy for his favored son, Joseph (Genesis 48:21–22).