From Cover to Cover – Jesus in all the Bible

Pastor Doug Batchelor with Amazing Facts present this series.

The bible really is about Christ, from beginning to end.  There is a lot of stories and a lot of characters in the bible, Old Testament mostly and some New Testament, that are teaching us about Jesus and the plan of salvation.

To get a really good panorama of the bible the entire Old Testament is a kaleidoscope that when you focus it gives us the different facets and pictures of Jesus and that’s what we’re going to be doing during this series.

The bible stories in the bible history they are all true, relevant, and accurate; but God

has done something miraculous in the bible.  In these stories, you find the gospel

echoed through all the characters and every story in the bible you can find the villain,

the victim, and you can find the valiant.  You should be looking at the stories in the bible to see this history.

Jesus in Abraham – Part 1

Jesus in Isaac – Part 2

Jesus in Joseph – Part 3

Jesus in Joseph – Part 4

Jesus in Joseph – Part 5