Chronology of the Kings

Kings of a United Kingdom

KingRelationship to Previous KingGod’s Judgment
SaulNone. The people wanted an earthly king.Saul did evil.  1 Sam. 8-28,31, 1 Chronicles 10, Judges 8:22-23; Deut. 17:14-20
Ishbosheth*Son of SaulNo judgment. Read the story in 2 Samuel 2-4. Also: 2 Samuel 4:5-6, 12.
David (ancestor to Jesus Christ)Son-in-law of Saul. See: 1 Samuel 18:20-27.David did right, this is not to say that he did not make some grievous life choice; but he repented. See: 1 Sam. 16-31, 2 Sam. 1-24, 1 Ki 1:1-2:11, 1 Chron. 11-29
Solomon (aka: Jedidiah)Son of DavidSolomon did right in his youth, but evil in his older age.  1 Ki 1-11, 1 Chron. 29:21-25, 2 Chron. 1-9
* The House of Israel was divided during Ishbosheth’s reign; David reigned over Judah for a little over seven years (2 Samuel 2:8-10, 3:7-11.

Kings of a Divided Kingdom

JeroboamServant of Solomon who fled to EgyptDid evil. 1 Ki 11:25 – 14:20, 2 Ki 17:21, 2 Chron. 1-13:20
NadabSon of JeroboamDid evil. 1 Ki 15:25-31
BaashaSon of AhijahDid evil. 1 Ki 15:16- 16:13, 2 Chron. 16:1-6
ElahSon of BaashaDid evil 1 Ki 16:6-14
ZimriCaptainDid evil 1 Ki 16:9-20
OmriCaptainDid evil 1 Ki 16:16-28, 20:34; Micah 6:16
AhabSon of OmriDid evil 1 Ki 16:28-22:40, 21:25;  2 Chron 18  
AhaziahSon of AhabDid evil 1 Ki 22:48-52, 2 Chron 20:35-37
Jehoram (aka: Joram)*Son of AhabDid evil 2 Ki 3, 8:28-29, 9:14-24; 2 Chron 22:5-7
JehoahazSon of JehuDid evil  2 Ki 9-10
Joash (aka Jehoash)Son of JehoahazDid evil 2 Ki 13:9-14:16, 2 Chron 25:17-25
Jeroboam IISon of JoashDid evil 2 Ki 14:23-29, Amos 7:9
ZachariahSon of Jeroboam IIDid evil 2 Ki 15:8-12
ShallumUnknown, assassinDid evil 2 Ki 15:10-15
MenahemUnknown, assassinDid evil 2 ki 15:14-22
PekahiahSon of MenahemDid evil 2 Ki 15:22-26
PekahCaptainDid evil 2 Ki 15:25-38. 16:5; 2 Chron 28:6; Isa 7:1-9
HosheaUnknown, assassinDid evil 2 Ki 17:1-6, 18:9-12
Israel went into Assyrian captivity, scattered abroad never again to be a kingdom.
Kings of Judah
Rehoboam, means: He enlarges the peopleSon of SolomonDid evil (2 Chronicles 12:1,5,14), then humbled himself (v. 6,12). 1 Ki 12:1-24, 15:1-3; 2 Chron. 10-11
Abijam (aka: Abijah, means: God is my father)Son of RehoboamDid evil. 1 Ki 15:1-8, 2 Chron. 13:1-14:1
Asa, means: healerSon of AbijahDid right. 1 Ki 15:10-24, 2 Chron. 14-16
Jehoshaphat, means: Jehovah – judgedSon of AsaDid right. 1 Ki 22:1-50, 2 Chron. 17:1-21:3
Jehoram (aka: Joram, means: Jehovah – exaulted)*Son of JehoshaphatDid evil. 2 Ki 8:16-24, 2 Chron. 21
Ahaziah (aka: Azariah or Jehoahaz), means: held by JehovahSon of JehoramDid evil. 2 Ki 8:24-9:29, 2 Chron. 22:1-9
Athaliah (married to Jehoram), means: whom God afflictsMother of AhaziahDid evil. Murdered every heir who might be a rival to the throne, except for Shaziah’s baby son Joash rescued by Jehosheba. 2 Ki 11: 2 Chron. 22:10-23:15, 24:7
JoashSon of AhaziahDid right in his youth, but evil in his older age. 2 Ki 11-12, 2 Chron. 22:10-24:27
Amaziah, means: strengthen by JehovahSon of JoashDid right in his youth, but evil in his older age. 2 Ki 14:1-21, 2 Chron 25, Deut. 24:16
Uzziah (aka: Azariah), means: the Lord is my strengthSon of AmaziahDid right. 2 Ki 15:1-7, 2 Chron. 26
Jotham, means: Jehovah is perfectSon of UzziahDid right. 2 Ki 15:32-38, 2 Chron 27
Ahaz, means: possessorSon of JothamDid evil.  2 Ki 16; 2 Chron 28; Isa 7:1, 8:4
Hezekiah, means: whom Jehovah has strengthenedSon of AhazDid right.  2 Ki 18:1-8; 2 Chron 29-31; Nbrs 9:10-11, Deut. 12
Manasseh, means: God has made me forgetSon of HezekiahDid evil.   2 Ki 21:1-17, 2 Chron. 33:1-20
AmonSon of ManassehDid evil, humbled in prison & remaining years did right .  2 Ki 21:19-26, 2 Chron 33:21-24
Josiah, Means: healed by Jehovah / Jehovah will supportSon of AmonDid right. 2 Ki 22:1-23:30, 2 Chron 34:1-35:27
Jehoahaz (aka: Shallum)Son of JosiahDid evil.  2 Ki 23:31-35, 2 Chron 36:1-4
Jehoiakim (aka: Eliakim)  means: he whom Jehovah has set upSon of JosiahDid evil.  2 Ki 23:36-24:6; 2 Chron 36:5-8; Jer. 19:4-5, 22:13-14,18-19, 26:20-23, & chp. 36
Jehoiachin (aka: Coniah or Jeconiah)Son of JehoiakimDid evil.  2 Ki 24:8-17, 25:27-30; 2 Chron 36:9-10, Jer 22:28
Zedekiah (aka: Mattaniah), means: righteousness of JehovahSon of JosiahDid evil.  2 Ki 24:17-25:21; 2 Chron 36:11-20; Jer 25:11, 29:10, 32:3, 38:2-3,17-18; Eze 12:13
Judah went into Babylonian captivity for 70 years.

*When reading the Bible account, it is easy to be confused about Jehoram, for three reasons. One, he is also known as Joram, and the two names are used interchangeably and without explanation. Two, neighboring Judah also had king named Jehoram, also known as Joram, who reigned at the same time. So both names are intermixed, sometimes referring to one king, sometimes to the other. Third, in 2 Kings 5:1 – 8:6, he is referred to namelessly, simply as “the king,” leaving the casual reader in doubt of his identity.