Daniel 2:36-45, Part 4 – Stone Cut Without Hands

The ‘stone cut without hands’ comes and smashes the feet causing the statute to crumble; meaning all earthly kingdoms will fall. The stone became a great mountain and filled the Earth. This represents Jesus’ coming to put an end to sin, and to set up His kingdom.

Here is the climax of this great prophecy. Something is going on in the feet/toes and with the ‘little horn’ (Dan. 7) that is so significant that it brings about the ‘stone’ coming to earth.  Note: We will get to the ‘little horn’ in more detail, as well as the ‘stone’.

Why is the image smitten on the feet? ________________________________

The Bible speaks in regards to the ‘king of the north’ and ‘king of the south’. The foundation for the two elements is laid out with Nebuchadnezzar/Babylon and Egypt which is the literal or type. These have significant spiritual application in the end of time of earth’s history and we will continue to enlarge upon them as we study. We must remember that these are earthly struggles that climax to a point that causes the ‘stone cut without hands’ to come…who is the TRUE King of the North. There will be future post(s) in regards to the ‘king of the south’ and the counterfeit ‘king of the north’ and although they seem to be at war with each other, the same power is behind both of them.

Let’s pause for a moment and jump ahead.

In Daniel 7 we are given details on Daniel 2, which in the end leads to Michael standing up (Dan. 12).  Daniel 7 lays out what is going on in the feet, using symbols – telling of a ‘little horn’ that comes up and is doing something so atrocious that it causes Michael to ‘stand up’.

Daniel 8, 9, and 11 continue to enlarge what is happening. An example is Daniel 11:40-41 answers/defines “at that time” in Daniel 12:1. ‘At that time” of the end, the king of the south pushes at him (him is referring to the king of the north); the king of the north responds by coming against him like a whirlwind with chariots, horsemen, many ships and shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over. Verse 41, tells us that he (king of the north) shall enter also into the glorious land… This connects to literal Babylon/Egypt/Jerusalem in Daniel 1 which we studied in previous posts, however, prophetically Daniel 11:40-45 are events leading to Michael standing up which corresponds to the things happening in the toes of Daniel 2.

We find that Daniel 12:1-2 amplifies the ‘stone’. Here we read about Michael standing up and the dead being brought to life. This is what the ‘stone’ does when it comes, it not only crushes the kingdoms of earth, but redeems the saved (those that are asleep and those living) and establishes an eternal kingdom. So, the ‘stone’ and “Michael’ are one and the same. See post titled: Is Michael Another Name for Jesus?

Isaiah 48:3-4 tells us, “God declares things before they come to pass.” Why? Because of hard heartedness…hard to convince. This is why God uses prophecy otherwise we would not believe. Through the prophecies, God gains credibility so we will hear, listen, and believe. God uses iron/brass as hard heartedness or stubbornness. (Ex. Pharaoh). This is why the last book of the Bible is prophetic – it is not to confuse us but because He wants to reach us.

Daniel 11:40 – Daniel 12:2 is vitally important to us today and we will dive deep into these texts. It may seem that we are jumping around somewhat, but trust that it will all come together as we continue our study of Daniel chapter by chapter.

The Final Act

This final act in the drama, the ‘stone cut without hands’ that smashes the image on the feet, is the end of world empires and the establishment of the kingdom of God. This is certain! Just as the previous symbols were all exactly fulfilled in the course of history, so we know that this final part will also come to pass.

Daniel said: “The dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.” We are instructed to study the historic fulfillment of Bible prophecy and to be assured of their truth: “Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.” Isaiah 34:16.

“And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.” Daniel 2:44, 45.

It is in the days of the last kingdoms of iron and miry clay, that the kingdom of Christ will come. Christ will return, not as the Lamb of God, but as King of kings, as a mighty conqueror. His kingdom does not depend on human support, it is the kingdom of Heaven, a stone cut out without hands. His kingdom, unlike the human kingdoms, is everlasting and shall stand forever.

Like the previous section, there is much, much more on this ‘stone cut without hands’ that sets up a kingdom and we will get to it as well.

Jesus will soon return, but before He does, He seeks first to establish His kingdom in the hearts of men. Dear friends, will you allow the Prince of Peace to rule your heart now, so that when He comes you may inherit the Kingdom of Heaven?