The Pattern of Daniel 8:10-12 and Daniel 1:1-2

The pattern of Daniel 8:10-12 can be seen in Daniel 1:1-2

Daniel 1:1-2. Here, King Nebuchadnezzar, before his conversion is a type of antichrist. What does he do?:

  1. He attacks the city,
  2. the sanctuary,
  3. and physically moves God’s people to Shinar (Babylon).
  4. He removes the sanctuary vessels and places them in the treasury in the house of his god.

Literal application. The literal (physical, geographic):

  1. he attacks the city,
  2. Israel (Judah) taken captive,
  3. sanctuary destroyed and vessels taken, and
  4. there was a time period of 70 literal years.

Spiritual application. The spiritual (world-wide):

  1. attack on heavenly Jerusalem,
  2. church taken captive,
  3. ministry of Christ impacted, and
  4. spiritual time period.

What did the vessels point to in the Old Testament?  The vessels of the sacrificial service pointed to the ministry of Jesus Christ in the heavenly sanctuary. If those vessels are removed, His ministry is then under attack which points us to the spiritual time period.

Compare to Daniel 8:10-12:

  1. grew up to the host of heaven (heavenly Jerusalem),
  2. trampled down the stars (saints),
  3. magnified itself to be equal with the Prince of the host (Jesus Christ),
  4. removed the daily (ministry of Christ Jesus impacted),
  5. the place of His sanctuary was thrown down (foundation of His sanctuary)
  6. on account of transgression the host will be given over to the ‘little horn’ (due to rebellion the saints were taken captive)

As we can see, the same pattern emerges as we read in Daniel 2. So, what happened in the literal (Babylon), will happen in the spiritual Babylon.