A Composite Sketch of Jesus

All the stories of the Old Testament in some way point to Jesus. The Old Testament is basically divided between four offices: prophet, priest, judge, and king. All of those that were called in the Old Testament pointed to Jesus. The very order of the entire Old Testament is based upon Jesus who came as a prophet, when He died he became our High Priest in heaven, He is our just Judge, and will return as our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen.

Like Adam, he was the son of God.

Like Samuel, he was only a boy when he discovers his mission in the temple.

Like Joseph, he was thirty years old when he came into prominence.

Like Joshua, he crossed the Jordan to lead the 12.

Like Elijah, he provided drink for the thirsty.

Like Moses, he entered the wilderness to wander for forty days.

Like Daniel, he overcame the temptation of appetite.

Like Job, he refused the sin of presumption.

Like Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego; he refused to bow down before another

Like the man of God, He healed a weather hand.

Like Elijah, he raised the dead, multiplied the bread, and restored health to

Like Ezekiel, he preached to a stubborn and rebellious people and spoke
against the abominations being done in the temple.

Like Josiah, he exposed false worship.

Like Enoch, he walked with God.

Like Moses, he knew that his hour had come and he gathered the twelve to
repeat the covenant; and sang a song before going out to die alone.

Like David, he crossed the brook Kidron as his enemies pursued him.

Like David, he was betrayed by his close friend who eventually hung himself.

Like Joel, he enters into a time of trouble in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Like Job, he was tempted to think that God had forsaken him.

Like Joseph, he was sold for silver and deserted by his brothers.

Like Joseph, with the butler and the baker – he was placed between two men: one
forgiven and the other rejected.

Like Samson, he was beaten bound and marked, placed between two pillars,
bowed his head and pushed; and when he died there was a great rumbling and he
saved more in his death than when he was alive.

Like Isaac, he was given up for sacrifice.

Like Noah, he was lifted up above the earth on wood so that all men would be
drawn to him.

Like Nehemiah, he would cut he would not come down for he had a great work
to do.

Like Joel, he prayed for his enemies.

Like Samson, his death caused a great rumbling in the earth.

Like Elijah’s dead bones, his death brought to life many who slept in the

Like Jonah, he was in the belly of the earth three days and three nights.

Like David he delivered a deadly blow to the head of his enemy.

Like Moses, he was willing to be blotted out of the book but was resurrected
from the dead.

Like Samuel, he called out of his sleep to serve as priests in the house of

Like Jonah, he stayed for 40 days.

Like Nehemiah, he finished the work.

Like Elijah, he was raised into the heavens.

Like Joseph, he was sent ahead to prepare a place for his brothers.

Like Daniel, he interceded on behalf of his people.

Like Jacob, while he is away he is working for his bride.

Like Joseph, he will investigate his brethren before allowing them to enter into
the place he has prepared for them.

Like Moses, he will descend from the Mount upon an unexpected people.

Like Moses, he will part the sky as Moses parted the sea and he will lead his
people out of bondage of the grave.

Like Joshua, he will lead his people into the promised land.

Like David, he will take his place as rightful king.

Like Solomon, he will reign in peace but for a thousand years.

Like Solomon, he will answer all of our hard questions.

Like Gideon, he will put down the enemies of God at the end of the millennium.

Like Jaffa, he will destroy those who cannot speak the heavenly language.

Like Abraham, he will be the father of a great multitude.

Like Joseph, he will be reunited with his loved ones.

Do you that Jesus is the center of all scriptures? Every person in the Bible
that God used was to show us a snapshot of the life of Jesus. What you just read
is a composite sketch, each one playing a different part and reflecting a
different aspect of the life of Jesus. Believe that when we keep our eyes on Him
we will be transformed into a composite sketch of Jesus. When His image is
reproduced in us, then He will come to claim his own. Let us look up and remember
that we are here by the grace of God…literally. When you walk outside today
take a look at the air around you, take a look at the ground, take a look at
the trees and realize that you are standing here on this planet because of what
did not happen at the cross.

Pastor Ivor Myers

Heavenly Father

Thank you that the struggle between justice and mercy had the outcome that
it did. If it were        anyone
of us, we would have chosen differently but it was you and that’s why we are
here. Forgive us Lord for taking the sacrifice of the son of God so lightly. And,
Lord with this renewed lease on life may we truly be about your mission. Set
our hearts on fire and remind us that where there is no wood the fire goes out.
Thank you Jesus. May the cross of Calvary ever be the center. This we pray in
Jesus’ name. Amen and amen.