
Articles focus on the life of Abraham.

Who were the Ammonites?

Throughout the early history of Israel, we find references to the Ammonite people. Who were they, where did they come from, and what happened to them? The Ammonites were a Semitic people, closely related to the Israelites. Despite that relationship, they were more often counted enemies than friends. Lot, Abraham’s nephew, was the progenitor of …

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10 Times Jesus Showed up in the Old Testament and What They Reveal – Part 2

By: Jennifer Slattery 6. In the cloud that led the Hebrews through the desert. Through Moses, God freed His people from centuries of slavery and led them, with a pillar of fire at night and a cloud by day, toward the Promised Land. (Exodus 13:21) This redemption and inheritance carried a dual meaning. Yes, God rescued them …

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10 Times Jesus Showed up in the Old Testament and What They Reveal – Part 1

By: Jennifer Slattery 1. The “Angel” who appeared to an Egyptian slave named Hagar. Originally from Egypt, Hagar lived first as a maidservant, then, when her mistress remained infertile and needed a surrogate, Abraham headed Sarah’s voice and had a son through Hagar.  She was the mother of his is firstborn son, though not the …

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How many sons did Abraham have?

In all, Abraham had eight sons. Abraham’s first son was Ishmael through Hagar, his wife’s Egyptian maid (Genesis 16:1–4). Abraham’s second son was Isaac through Sarah, his wife (Genesis 21:1–3). Isaac was the son God had promised Abraham (Genesis 15:4–5). After Sarah died, Abraham had six sons through Keturah, another concubine: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and …

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Why Was the Sign of Circumcision Given? What is the Point?

The possession of the Spirit shows that we have a right to the inheritance, because the Spirit brings righteousness, and the inheritance is one of righteousness. Righteousness, and that only, will dwell in the new earth. Rom 8:9-11,16-17,  Eph 2:22, Rev 21:7, Rev 22:4,17 In harmony with the above text, we have also the following: “And ye are complete …

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Genesis 17 – Thirteen Years Later – Covenant Promise Repeated, Part 4

Continuing with verse 9 of Genesis 17. God made clear that Abraham and his descendants were to ‘keep’ His covenant.  So, obedience was involved.  The ‘token’ or sign of the covenant would be circumcision.  God gave Abraham instructions regarding circumcision of a new born male child within his household (descendant or stranger).  If any male …

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Genesis 17 – Thirteen Years Later – Covenant Promise Repeated, Part 3

Genesis 17 THE PROMISES OF THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT ARE FULFILLED TO CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS, BOTH JEWS AND GENTILES The fact that all Christians are to live under the Abrahamic covenant is a prominent New Testament teaching. The heart of the covenant offered to all Christians is stated in Hebrews 8:10: “This is the covenant that I …

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Genesis 15 – Pulling it All Together, Part 3

Putting the above together, we see that from a biblical perspective, righteousness is a person whose heart is habitually aligned to beneficence/self-giving love to God and to  others…which the law and the prophets hang on these two principles (Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 12:29-31, Luke 10:26-28). This is in contrast with the unrighteous whose hearts …

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Genesis 15 – Imputed and Imparted Righteousness, Part 2

One needs to understand these two terms.  Imputed righteousness is the righteousness of Jesus credited to the Christian, enabling the Christian to be justified (past sins forgiven); imparted righteousness is what God does in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit after justification, working in the Christian to enable and empower the process of sanctification.  …

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