Christian Character

Articles focus on conversion of the “old self” to a “new birth” in Christ; and the process by which our characters are refined.

Daniel 7: Application Review, Literal, Life of Jesus, Prophecy or Pattern, King of the North Concept

We will review events that include application to the; literal, life of Jesus, prophecy or patterns, and the king of the north activities: Daniel 7 Life of Jesus. Jesus is our High Priest and mediates on our behalf. Prophecy or Pattern. Daniel 7 introduces us to the 1,260-day (year) prophecy, and describes what the ‘little …

Daniel 7: Application Review, Literal, Life of Jesus, Prophecy or Pattern, King of the North Concept Read More »

“The Refiner’s Fire” by Julie Juirgis – Sydney, Australia

Published on: 08-31-2018 Difficulties often frustrate us. They can make us angry with others, and even angry with God. We often feel victimized. Self-doubt and despair come creeping in. We rarely do well in difficulty. This is because we sometimes lack inner resources and a strong resolve. Adversity, not prosperity, reveals the core of a …

“The Refiner’s Fire” by Julie Juirgis – Sydney, Australia Read More »