
Articles focus on the global flood.

Genesis 8 – Overview

1And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged; “Remember” does not necessarily refer to bringing something to mind that had been forgotten. It can also apply to something that has …

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The Animals – Two by Two

Skepticism The biblical account of the Ark has been a target of skepticism.  The skeptics highlight the seeming absurdity of having one person journey throughout the world to not only locate them, capture them, and transport them back to the ark.  These people imagine that Noah would have had to cross oceans to islands and …

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Flood Chronology

The Bible is not the only place where the story of a worldwide Flood is told. Flood narratives are found in many cultures, and common threads run through all of them. The Biblical Flood account, with Noah as the central figure, is written as a historic narrative, while most of the other accounts are considered myths. …

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Noah’s Ark and Salvation

Another reason the Flood could not have been local by John Hartnett, Creation Ministries International, creation.com About 1,656 years after the creation of the world, God destroyed all humans, except for eight1 on the Ark that Noah built, and all air-breathing land animals (except those on the Ark) in a great global judgment. Many marine creatures were …

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Noah – A Man of God

It Repented the Lord Genesis 6–9 holds the world-famous story of how God looked down and saw such wickedness that he “repented” that he made man (Genesis 6:6-7). You may be thinking that the word “repent” there means God regretted He made man, and my dictionary says “regret” can mean “a looking back with dissatisfaction.” …

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Genesis 7 – Overview

Universality of Sin: The first two chapters of Genesis are mainly interested in the creation of our planet and all forms of life within it. It has a clearly universal outlook. Although the fall into sin takes place in the Garden of Eden, sin itself soon became a universal phenomenon (Rom. 5:12). By the time of …

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Genesis 6 Overview

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, This is the fulfilling of Genesis 1:28, “be fruitful and multiply”.2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which …

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Bible open on a persons lap with hand on its pages

The C’s of Genesis

Genesis is foundational in explaining our world and understanding the chaos we find ourselves in. Chapter’s 1-11 is the bedrock upon which all the other sixty-five books of God’s written Word have been built upon. Throughout Scripture God repeats and enlarges His word to provide us with complete understanding of essential truths from which faith grows. The Genesis account is the full expression of God’s glory, love, justice, and redemptive plan.