
Articles focus on the life of Joseph its literal application as well as its future application. Joseph illustrates the life of Jesus in many ways.

Divine grace is an extravagant theme in Genesis. Part 5

This lengthy article has been divided across 5 blogs or 5 parts. This is the final part. Joseph and Judah Chapter 39 provides a “re-introduction” to the Joseph narratives, indicated by 37:26 and 39:1. The final paragraph of chapter 39, verses 20 to 23, renders an appropriate bridge to chapters 40 and 41. This reference …

Divine grace is an extravagant theme in Genesis. Part 5 Read More »

Divine grace is an extravagant theme in Genesis. Part 4

This lengthy article has been divided across 5 blogs or 5 parts. Judah According to Jacob’s Judah oracle (Gen. 49:8–11), Judah would also have leadership over the nations and among his brothers. The promised seed would also come from his line. But this need not be critiqued as contradictory to the Joseph narratives. Instead, dual …

Divine grace is an extravagant theme in Genesis. Part 4 Read More »

Divine grace is an extravagant theme in Genesis. Part 3

This lengthy article has been divided across 5 blogs or 5 parts. Perspective Digest: A Publication of the Adventist Theological Society.By: Jo Ann Davidson Joseph was a prophetic type in the truest sense of the word, with dozens of resemblances between his life and that of Christ. Even more, many of Israel’s leaders were from …

Divine grace is an extravagant theme in Genesis. Part 3 Read More »

Divine grace is an extravagant them in Genesis. Part 2

This lengthy article has been divided across 5 blogs or 5 parts. Perspective Digest: A Publication of the Adventist Theological Society.By: Jo Ann Davidson Joseph Introduced in Genesis 37 as one of Jacob’s 12 sons, Joseph is presented as a leading patriarchal figure, as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had been. In fact, Joseph occupies more …

Divine grace is an extravagant them in Genesis. Part 2 Read More »

Divine grace is an extravagant theme in Genesis. Part 1

This lengthy article has been divided across 5 blogs or 5 parts. Perspective Digest: A Publication of the Adventist Theological Society.By: Jo Ann Davidson The last 13 chapters of Genesis highlight not only Joseph, but also Judah—both of whose lives are types of Christ, albeit in different ways. Not only are the noble attributes of …

Divine grace is an extravagant theme in Genesis. Part 1 Read More »

Genesis 45 Overview, Joseph Reveals Himself

Genesis 45 It is at that very moment, when Judah talked about the “evil” that would fall upon ’avi, “my father” (Genesis 44:34), that Joseph ordered all men out with the exception of his brothers (v. 1) and then “made himself known” to them. This expression, often used to refer to God’s self-revelation (Exodus 6:3, Ezekiel 20:9), suggests that it is God …

Genesis 45 Overview, Joseph Reveals Himself Read More »

Genesis 42 Commentary

The famine had created an international disaster. People from the surrounding nations heard that Egypt alone had provisions enough to survive the famine that had ravaged the Near Eastern world. And who should arrive to buy bread but Joseph’s brothers, who had thrown him into a pit to starve, while they ate their lunch, oblivious …

Genesis 42 Commentary Read More »

Genesis 42 Overview, Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt and Return to Canaan

Genesis 42 – Comments added in italics After focusing on Joseph’s experiences in chapters 39, 40, and 41, the spotlight of Genesis swings back to his family in Canaan. The final verses of Genesis 41 described a worldwide famine, drawing people from all over the region to buy food from Egypt. Where, the brother sold …

Genesis 42 Overview, Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt and Return to Canaan Read More »

Overview Genesis 41, Pharaoh’s Dreams and Joseph’s Rise to Power

Genesis 41 – Italics represents comments added about the story. Joseph remained in prison for two more years after the butler was restored as Pharaoh’s cupbearer.  At the end of these two full years, Pharaoh had a dream. Verses 2-4, “And, behold, there came up out of the river seven well favoured kine and fatfleshed; …

Overview Genesis 41, Pharaoh’s Dreams and Joseph’s Rise to Power Read More »