Sanctuary Service

Article focus is on the important salvation message God has for us to learn in the constructs of the sanctuary service and how it is relevant for our day.

Ten Commandments, Sabbath or Ceremonial Law? Colossians 2:16 This verse would have to be the most abused and misunderstood Bible passage in regards to the ordinances of the ceremonial law. So what actually is the ceremonial law, and is it possible for this passage on Colossians 2:16 to refer to the Ten Commandments or just the Lord’s Sabbath as some …

Ten Commandments, Sabbath or Ceremonial Law? Read More »

Daniel 8:12-14: Transgression of Desolation – Part 2

This is a long blog, but the information provided is essential in understanding the “little horn” power and its system that makes attacks towards Jesus Christ and His work on our behalf. INTRODUCTION Daniel 8:9-14 is the thematic heart, not only of chapter 8, but of the entire book of Daniel itself. These texts are …

Daniel 8:12-14: Transgression of Desolation – Part 2 Read More »

The Sanctuary Blueprint: The Ceremonial Law, Part 9b

The Lord taught, through the sanctuary system of services, salvation through faith in the promised Redeemer.  The Symbolic Sanctuary The ceremonial law prefigured the ministry of Christ. We can see this by studying the ancient sanctuary. Moses had to construct the sanctuary exactly according to the pattern shown him on mount Sinai: And let them …

The Sanctuary Blueprint: The Ceremonial Law, Part 9b Read More »

The Sanctuary Blueprint: The Service and Ministration of the Sanctuary, Part 9a

The sacrificial offering does not originate in Leviticus, but is found early in the Book of Genesis.  We know that God himself sought to illustrate the way back to Him by providing object lessons involving altars, fire, and the blood of animals.  Adam and Eve slew an animal for their sins, and God provided a …

The Sanctuary Blueprint: The Service and Ministration of the Sanctuary, Part 9a Read More »