
Articles focus on the origin of sin and its effects upon humanity.

The Enemy is in Your Head

We are better off when we fill our mind with things of God, leaving no space for Satan to enter in. Pastor Ivor Myers, Power of the Lamb Ministries, presents a sermon that brings a refreshing understanding of our situation.

Inherited Sin

Did We All Inherit Sin from Adam and Eve? Got Questions Answer: Yes, all people inherited sin from Adam and Eve, specifically from Adam. Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18). Genesis 3 describes Adam and Eve’s rebellion …

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Nakedness of the Soul

Genesis 3:10, Describes the nakedness of soul, meaning guilty before God because of their sin. They lost their innocence as a result and were now sinful. At this point Adam covered himself with fig leaves (verse 7), knowing that he lost his covering of light. Verses 8 – 13, tells us that they are the …

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Satan Our Adversary. A Companion Post to: “Lucifer to Satan, How Did He Get There?”

SATAN OUR ADVERSARY – Scriptures for further study. The following scriptures are categorized by the Old and New Testament. For the most part they are in book order. These texts enlarge on the subjects of: Lucifer (aka, the serpent, devil, dragon, liar, murder, adversary, etc.), his pride, the origin of his sin, the conflict he …

Satan Our Adversary. A Companion Post to: “Lucifer to Satan, How Did He Get There?” Read More »

When Did Lucifer Fall? – A companion post to: “Lucifer to Satan, How Did He Get There?”

When Did Lucifer Fall? Many seekers of truth want to know when did Sa­tan’s apostasy and expulsion from heaven take place. Was it before our world was created? The Scriptures do not reveal a great deal on this point, but there is an indication when it may have occurred. What We Do Know We know that …

When Did Lucifer Fall? – A companion post to: “Lucifer to Satan, How Did He Get There?” Read More »