Tree of Life

Articles focus on the aspects of the Tree of Life and it’s implication in humanity.

Genesis Takeaways -The Two Tree’s: Choose This Day. Part 2

4. Abraham is Counted as Faithful Abraham is called out of Ur.  We read in Genesis 15:4-6 that God is giving Abram wisdom…TREE OF LIFE wisdom…and life is going to spring forth from you.  Abram is told that he is going to have a son, this is the prophetic word of God.  Does Satan provide …

Genesis Takeaways -The Two Tree’s: Choose This Day. Part 2 Read More »

Genesis Takeaways -The Two Tree’s: Choose This Day. Part 1

In Genesis 2:15-17,  God created an opportunity to exercise freewill, without this choice there would have been no such thing.  Present truth was: eat from the ‘Tree of Life’ and live forever, or eat from ‘The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’ and die.  This present truth also came with a present error, that …

Genesis Takeaways -The Two Tree’s: Choose This Day. Part 1 Read More »