
Articles focus on the meaning of victory, which is receiving the victory that has already been won by Jesus Christ. The fight of faith verses The fight of sin: Real victory is gaining the victory over trying to get the victory through self-effort. According to Scripture, victorious people are those who do not wasted their time and effort fighting sin and the devil, rather they are the ones who have put their effort toward learning to know Jesus, to depend upon him, and to trust him to fight our battles. The realization that the Son of God fights our battles for us is one of the biggest realizations and breakthroughs in the great theme of righteousness by faith. We focus on His power, His might, and His victory which he has already won at the cross. Righteousness comes by faith in Jesus. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

The Enemy is in Your Head

We are better off when we fill our mind with things of God, leaving no space for Satan to enter in. Pastor Ivor Myers, Power of the Lamb Ministries, presents a sermon that brings a refreshing understanding of our situation.

Daniel 7: Application Review, Literal, Life of Jesus, Prophecy or Pattern, King of the North Concept

We will review events that include application to the; literal, life of Jesus, prophecy or patterns, and the king of the north activities: Daniel 7 Life of Jesus. Jesus is our High Priest and mediates on our behalf. Prophecy or Pattern. Daniel 7 introduces us to the 1,260-day (year) prophecy, and describes what the ‘little …

Daniel 7: Application Review, Literal, Life of Jesus, Prophecy or Pattern, King of the North Concept Read More »