Daniel 3 and Revelation 13, Part 2

Now let’s look at the head and feet of the image.  What happened in the head of the image, which was literal Babylon, will be repeated in the feet/toes of the image (spiritual Babylon).

Just like in literal Babylon (head of gold) there was a remix of prophecy, there will also be a remix of prophecy in spiritual Babylon which are represented by the feet/toes of iron and miry clay.

In the end times, the false prophets and their false version of prophecy will be:

  1. Done under the auspices of God and religion.
  2. Establish national supremacy and greatness, nor will it acknowledge its own ‘dragon speak’.
  3. Diverts attention from its own role in its own fall.
  4. A call to join in the crushing of the enemies who actually are God’s people.

Protestant Evangelical America will be a false prophet (aka: the earth beast) and will have a false version of prophecy; and will encourage statesman to legislate national supremacy and greatness. They will not only see themselves as great, but they will also see themselves called by God to crush those they identify as enemies. They will think they are doing God’s service, when it really will be evil doing (Matthew 24:9*). They will deny that they are speaking like a dragon. They plead for all to join them in crushing their enemies – who will be identified as those radical non-Christian people because they are the real adversaries who are really causing all the evil and chaos that has come upon the earth.

*The same mindset existed in the days of Jesus (Jn. 16:1-4).

It is important to remember that it was people professing to be godly who put the people of God to death (1 Kings 19:10,14; Jer. 2:30; Neh. 9:26; Matt. 23:31,37,39; Luke 13:34; Acts 7:52; Romans 11:3; 1 Thess. 2:15). It was people professing to be godly that put Jesus Christ to death. How? Through civil powers and deceiving those in the synagogue (church).

There are many evangelicals who are looking at secularism, government, world institutions, globalist, climate change agenda, the elite, etc. as the enemy. They see these entities as the ones who want to crush nationalism, especially Christian Nationalism. Many are looking for a New Word Order to take place.

As people of God, we do not want to get caught up in these ideologies. Look at the sample in Daniel 2:44, “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.” Emphasis added.

Question. When Jesus returns are the ten toes going to be destroyed? Yes. Is Jesus coming back to destroy the earthly nations? According to the text just sited, ‘all these kingdoms’ is going to be destroyed. Those ten toes of iron and miry clay represent the entire world. God is showing the rise and fall of kingdoms, but it ALL culminates with all the kingdoms being consumed. All is all, meaning the toes of iron and miry clay represent a worldwide condition at the end of time. It is not just Europe, though it had a part to play in prophetic history. We cannot forget that the feet/toes go clear to the end of time, when Jesus Christ returns and the nations of earth crumble. To look outside of what the Bible provides as prophecy and the entities involved, will most definitely lead to a Daniel 3 prophecy remix; which would be an error and dangerous.

Revelation 11:15, “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Emphasis added.

This does not say, ‘the kingdoms of the United Nations or any other entity for that matter’. Revelation 11:15 is describing exactly what Daniel 2 talks about – the kingdom of God is going to destroy all these other kingdoms. It is talking about the destruction of the entire world.

The image being formed is right here in America, and as we continue to study we will see how it relates to the beast that rises out of the sea in Revelation.

White writes, “I saw that the two-horned beast had a dragon’s mouth, and that his power was in his head, and that the decree would go out of his mouth. Then I saw the Mother of Harlots; that the mother was not the daughters, but separate and distinct from them. She has had her day, and it is past, and her daughters, the Protestant sects, were the next to come on the stage and act out the same mind that the mother had when she persecuted the saints. I saw that as the mother has been declining in power, the daughters had been growing, and soon they will exercise the power once exercised by the mother. SpM 1.4

So many are locked in on the ‘mother’ and are not saying a peep about the ‘daughters’. What has been said about the ‘mother’ in bible prophecy is true and she is still significant and has a dreadful past, but we cannot ignore the second beast that came out of the earth which is the false prophet.

There is so much talk about every move of the Pope/Papacy and it makes Adventism look foolish. Yes, the Papacy (Roman Catholicism) is the beast that rose out of the sea – the mother of harlots* – and we need to understand it has a role in the end time as well. But, the ‘daughters’ are doing some crazy stuff in America and nobody is talking about it.  Who makes the world wonder after the beast who came out of the sea (Roman Catholicism)? The second beast out of the earth (Protestant America), which are the ‘daughters’. Why is Protestant America called the ‘daughters’ in bible prophecy? Because most Protestant churches retained parts of Catholicism’s errors: most significantly spiritualism in that you continue to live after death via your soul either in heaven or hell, they observe they day that the Catholic church by her authority changed the solemnity from Sabbath to Sunday, they believe either in Catholicism’s Futurism or Catholicism’s Preterism in regards to bible prophecy, some hold to prayers to saints or prayers for the dead, baptism by sprinkling, etc. Who causes the ‘image of the beast’ (Sunday Law) to be set up? Apostate Protestant America.

*The sea beast is referred to has a mother, then the harlots are her daughters. Both are in apostacy.

Some point to secularism, but it is not the atheist that will bring about the dilemma that is coming upon us…it is almost like the devil has somehow protected the ‘daughters’ under the flag of nationalism. If you speak against America, nationalism, and Christianity you are against the nation, against God. The way Christian Nationalism has exploded on the scene in the last five years is shocking. And what is more shocking, is not many are talking about it.

Here is an example of a prophetic remix that is circulating:

One World Religion remix is the teaching that Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, New Age, Catholicism, Protestantism, etc. …all of the different religions are going to come together and create a one world religion in which every body’s still what they are, but will keep Sunday. Bible prophecy does not teach that there will be a one world religion made up of a bunch of different religions.

Example. The dates for the United Nations Climate Change meeting called COP27 were November 6th through 18th, 2022. During that time, on November 13, 2022, a ‘Chrislam’ type group composed of leaders from the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, and other faiths associated with the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development and the Elijah Interfaith Institute made what they titled ‘A Prophetic Call for Climate Justice’ and had a “Ceremony of Repentance’ on what is referred to as Mount Sinai, in Egypt. Does this sound like Gaia, mother goddess, worship? Are Christians supposed to have religious ceremonies with pagans? What did the Apostle Paul write? What did Jesus say would happen to the earth? Are humans, apart from God, going to solve climate problems before Jesus returns? Is there any type of false gospel associated with aspects of the climate change movement?

We know the long-term goal of the Elite is the New World Order: the development of a One World Economy, run by a One World Government with a One World Religion. These are the three main goals as we know from their writings. Musker, James. The New World Religion and the Beliefs of the Elite (pp. 1-2). Unknown. Kindle Edition.

Once the Catholics and the main Protestant denominations, such as the Anglicans have merged, then they will try to forge all the other religions together. We are already seeing from the activities of the Pope, Rick Warren and Kenneth Copeland that this is the direction they are going in. To sell us the ‘deep ecumenism concept’ resulting in the merger of Evangelical denominations with mainstream Protestant groups and then eventually into Catholicism. Once this is done they will try and form ‘Chrislam’ – the bolting together of Islam and Christianity. Other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism will readily be forged into the mold and later on, the New Age religion and Atheism which are easy to deal with. All these beliefs will form the New Apostate One World Universal Church. They will sell it as being an attractive alternative to the violence of the past and the duty of good planetary citizens. There is plenty of evidence from New Age writings that those who stand against it will be removed forcibly. How will they do this? Interfaith meetings such as United Religions Initiative (URI) will merge the religions together via the slow gradualist approach and education over the next 60 years or so. Musker, James. The New World Religion and the Beliefs of the Elite (pp. 235-236). Unknown. Kindle Edition.

These examples by Musker are the Evangelical version remix. Protestants by and large believe that climate change is a hoax, that there is an agenda behind climate change. Look at the Protestant reaction to COP 26 and 27, by and large their attitude is ‘that’s just liberal left talking points’. The remix has us looking and grabbing at all kinds of stuff thinking as a fulfillment of prophecy.