Daniel 6:1-3, Daniel’s Appointment in the Medo-Persian Empire

It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom an hundred and twenty princes, which should be over the whole kingdom;

And over these three presidents; of whom Daniel was first: that the princes might give accounts unto them, and the king should have no damage.

Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.

This is an amazing opening to a new kingdom. Daniel is someone who was a prominent part of the Babylonian Empire. He was not sent to exile or killed, rather he set over the whole realm just as he was over the whole realm of Babylon. Somehow, Darius came to know Daniel and could see he had an excellent spirit. Darius wants Daniel in his administration. As we will see, the other presidents and princes became envious and jealous of Daniel. Through the political mudslinging of the others, we see Daniel standing blameless.

How do we see Christ in these verses? ______________________________________________________________________________________________

If we could flashback to heaven, we can see Christ as the head over the entire realm, and Lucifer and one-third of the angels becoming jealous over the relationship of the Son and the Father. That principle of jealousy has spilled out to the Earth when Adam and Even opened the door to sin. The world still operates this way. When you become a Christian, you are exalted in heavenly places and become royalty. Those who are against us will search out iniquity (Ps. 64:6)…what can I find against them mentality.

This is what exactly what we see with these presidents and princes, they are upset with Daniel. They cannot find any fault with Daniel so they focus in on his relationship with his God, and that is where they will find a way to trap him. When we are faithful, God wants us to be at the head. Daniel is at the head and not the tail (Deut. 28:13).

There was war in heaven. The word ‘war’ in Greek is “πόλεμος” (polemos), which is the base for the word ‘politics’.

This is a compact version of what unfolded in heaven when we look for the parallel to Christ.

As we mentioned in a previous study, what we will see later in Daniel 6, is that Daniel is lowered into the lion’s den, a stone was placed over the mouth of the lion’s den, and a seal was set upon that stone to make sure he does not come out.

What event does this remind you of an event in the life of Jesus? _______________________________________________________________________________________________

When Jesus died, he was placed in the tomb, a rock was placed upon the opening, and the stone was sealed. A guard stood fast next to His gravesite. Matthew 27:66.