Daniel 7: Application Review, Literal, Life of Jesus, Prophecy or Pattern, King of the North Concept

We will review events that include application to the; literal, life of Jesus, prophecy or patterns, and the king of the north activities:

Daniel 7

Life of Jesus. Jesus is our High Priest and mediates on our behalf.

Prophecy or Pattern. Daniel 7 introduces us to the 1,260-day (year) prophecy, and describes what the ‘little horn’ power will do, including wearing out the saints, speaks great words against the most High, and think to change times and laws of God. This has been fulfilled, more on this as we continue our studies.

King of the North Concept.  He shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain, yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. This is yet future.


Daniel 5

Literal. Belshazzar throws a party and uses God’s holy vessels to drink his wine. A hand appears and writes a message on the wall. Daniel is summoned to give its interpretation, and Belshazzar is told that his kingdom (Babylon) is about to fall. The Medes (Darius) and the Persians (Cyrus) conquer Babylon and Belshazzar is killed.

Life of Jesus. Christ, as a second or anti-type of Cyrus, descended into the grave on our behalf and opened the gates of death to set the captives free.

Propehcy or Pattern. In the end of time the wicked are judged and God’s people are delivered when Michael stands up (Dan. 12:1-2). The anointed stands up and sets the captives free so they can go up. See: Rev. 16:12-16.

King of the North Concept. King of the North comes to his end and none shall help him.

Belshazzar reaches a point of no return and his cup is full of abominations. Judgment comes and Babylon falls.

Daniel 6

Literal. Darius sets Daniel as one of the three presidents over the kingdom. Out of jealousy the other two presidents and the princes sought to find an occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no fault. They decided to find fault with the law of his God. Using flattery, they duped Darius into signing a decree that all petitions must come through him for the next thirty days; under the penalty of death by lions.  Daniel continued to pray before God. These men observed Daniel praying at his window, and told the king. Darius knew right away what had been done, but had no choice for he signed the decree. Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den. The next day, Darius called Daniel from the pit and Daniel ascended unharmed. Those that conspired against Daniel and dupped Darius was thrown into the lion’s den along with their family.

Life of Jesus. By a death decree, Christ is crucified. Christ is placed in a tomb with a stone covering the opening and it is sealed. Christ rises on the third day in His glory, unharmed by the roaring devouring lion referred to as Satan.

Prophecy or Pattern. In the end of time a death decree will go forth upon God’s people for they will be seen as evil because they refuse to follow false doctrine and false worship; and those with the form of godliness will be acting as if they are doing God a service.

King of the North Concept. A death decree goes forth, generated by deception. There is a time of trouble as such never was in the world, but those found written in the Book of Life will be delivered.

Out of flattery and deceit, Darius set forth a death decree for a person who petitioned anyone or God rather than him for a short while. Daniel was in a time such as never before, but God delivered him.

The remaining chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 continue with the time prophecies: 70-weeks, 1,260 days, and 2,300 days.

Comment of Daniel 1-6:

Daniel 1-6 we are given a snapshot of the 70-week prophecy in living color. This prophecy is about when Christ would come, beginning specifically with His baptism in the Jordan River; and takes us down to His death, burial, and resurrection.  Daniel 7 will introduce us to the 1,260-day prophecy. Daniel 8 will introduce us to the 2,300-day prophecy. We literally have in Daniel 1 – 8, the very order of the three major time prophecies of the Bible. We want to keep this in mind as we move forward. As we move forward, we will see how these prophecies run together…it is amazing. How God layers His word is so dynamic and divine that is should inspire us and confirm in us that only God could weave such a narration.

King of the North vs King of the South Biblical Concept

In Daniel 11, we have the king of the south¹ who pushes against the king of the north². The king of the north fights back with chariots and horses against the king of the south and overcomes him. Once the king of the south is defeated, the king of the north turns his attention to the inhabitants of the glorious land³ and he seeks to enforce the wine of Babylon. Also, keep in mind that Babylon also symbolizes confusion – this understanding comes from what happened at the Tower of Babel.

¹king of the south is symbolized by Egypt because of its and atheism as defined as non-believer of the God of heaven / God of the Bible
²king of the north is symbolized by Babylon because of its false doctrine (wine) that it tries to enforce
³glorious land is symbolized by Jerusalem because it is a general depiction of God’s people

This scenario is foundational because we will see that what happened in the literal, it happens again in the spiritual in the end of time. The king of the south will always represent a non-believer in the God of the Bible or anyone that is not a part of the counterfeit ‘king of the north’. This body pushes against the king of the north but is defeated by the king of the north. The king of the north then turns the attention to God’s people and goes after them. Remember, that this ‘king of the north’ is not the true King of the North which is Jesus. This king of the north is a counterfeit.

The power behind both of these kings is the same, for they both sit at the same table. The only way not to be deceived by one or the other king is to keep your eyes focused on Jesus, read His word while praying for guidance by the Holy Spirit, commune with God on a daily basis in prayer, and let nothing distract you from your journey towards the ‘promise land’ where there is not more sorrow, sickness, sin, or death.