Daniel 7:25-27, Daniel’s First Vision

25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Now in the midst of this vast span of history we come across a prophetic time prophecy, the “time and times and half a time” (or three and a half years) in Daniel 7:25, which is the period when the second phase of the fourth power as we identified as the little horn who persecuted God’s people (Dan. 7:21). Remember, the little horn emerges from the fourth beast, not as a separate entity but only as a latter version of the fourth beast.

Let’s do a review of this prophecy and the fourth beast:
   Babylon ruled from 605 B.C. until 539 B.C.
   Medo-Persia ruled from 539 B.C. until 331 B.C.
   Grecia ruled from 331 B.C. until 168 B.C.
   Pagan Roman Empire ruled from 168 B.C. until 351 A.D., as the kingdom fell from within and was divided into ten kingdoms (351-476 A.D.); the ‘little horn’
emerges. Daniel is looking at Europe and the division of the Roman Empire. So, he is looking at the fourth century.

As the ‘little horn’ rises and comes to power it plucks up three of the kingdoms by the roots. It is important to note that the ten horns that it came up among were political powers (civil, secular). We mention this because the ‘little horn’ is a religio-political power. This is the difference that is referred to in the text (vs.7,23). The ‘little horn’ reigns unabated from 538 A.D until it receives what appears to be a deadly wound in 1798. This is the 1,260-year time prophecy, and this was the time it persecuted faithful, bible believing Christians. It does not come to an end, for scripture tells us that its wound heals.

Just as the ‘little horn’ is a church/state united power and used its authority to rule for more than a millennia; it will again use its power in the end of time. We find in Revelations, that another beast rises from the Earth and this is the power that causes the world to wander after the first beast that rises from the sea. Much, much more on this as we get to Revelation. 

The ‘little horn’ power changed the truth of the gospel, and it intended to change the very law of God.  This power replaced the simplicity of the gospel of grace, with a system of works as a method of salvation. This power replaced the teachings of the word of God and even his very law, with the teachings of the church. The horns that were plucked up by their roots, and the Christians who were persecuted during the Dark Ages met their demise because they spoke against the error of this religio-political power…for they cast truth to the ground. Why was this period of time called the Dark Ages? Because that was a great period in history that church and state united, and many of the bible-believing Christians were persecuted. See: Daniel 8:12.

The disciples always proclaimed the truth of the gospel. The good news is that nothing that we do can redeems us (Acts 16:30-31). Also see: John 17:17, Acts 5:29b, Mark 7:7

26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.

Again, we see the judgment scene, this time Daniel’s focus is on the ‘little horn’ power; and it collapses and is destroyed…consumed by the fire.

27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

Again, we are told of our complete restoration.

The ‘little horn’ power is Catholicism, we are talking about the system…NOT THE PEOPLE. We love our brothers and sisters in this system, but we have a duty to bring truth to them. It is because we love them that we share this truth.

We are going to also learn about another religious entity that has apostatized and what their role is in end time events. This opens up in Revelation. Again, we love our fellowmen and women that are in this situation as well, but we must share the truth no matter how uncomfortable it may seem.

It may be a shock to some of our readers to hear that papal Rome is the ‘little horn’ power. We encourage our readers to go back and study the characteristics listed in the Bible, research what the reformers had to say, look at history, and pray about the matter for guidance through the Holy Spirit.

We believe God has sheep everywhere. We also believe that he calls his people into truth. People that don’t know the truth because it has never been presented or understood, we are told that God winks at ignorance (Acts 17:30).  As truth and understanding comes our way, we are then held accountable for what we do with it.

FALSE DOCTRINE – A misunderstanding of verses 13 and 14

Many will look at these two verses and interpret them as the second coming, but it is not. This is what occurs just prior to the Jesus’ second coming.  Many believe that there will be a secret rapture, seven years of tribulation on earth, and then the second coming of Christ.  In the secret rapture, the saved are taken from the earth to heaven, then comes seven years of tribulation in which the Antichrist is revealed and rises to power.  God will pour out his wrath on Earth and it will be a horrible time of pain and suffering. During this time, many people will still deny God, but there will be many people who repent and become Christian. The people will repopulate the Earth during the millennial reign. There are some variations to this general belief by some groups. Unfortunately, this is a false and very dangerous doctrine.


There is no ‘second chance’ through this seven-year tribulation period on Earth, and there is no 1,000-year reign of Christ ON Earth. Nor is there another chance through the refining process of purgatory.

The Great White Throne judgment occurs BEFORE Christ returns to gather his people. When we die our destiny is determined, we are either saved or lost…period. Those that are living when Christ returns is the same…when he returns those that are saved are caught up in the air with the righteous who are resurrected. Those not saved die at the coming of Christ for they cannot stand in the presence of a holy God. They will remain dead, along with the unrighteous who were already dead when Christ returned. This is plain, simple, and just.

All saved return to heaven with Jesus, and reign with him for 1,000-years. The 1,000-year reign is in heaven. Would a holy God reign on Earth which has been cursed (go back and read the Garden story)? Would a holy God reign on Earth that has basically become a cemetery? The answer is NO. The Bible says that when Jesus comes, we will be caught up with him in the air. There is good reason for that, for his feet will not touch this sin filled Earth for it must pass away so a new heaven and new Earth can be made.

What will the saints be doing in heaven for 1,000 years? We will have the opportunity to look at the judgments of God regarding the lost, and we will say in harmony that He is just and merciful. AFTER the 1,000-years, we return with Christ, the unsaved are raised to face their judgment, the verdict is set before them and the sentence is executed upon them because they must pay the wages for their sin. It will be evident that their hearts are fixed, for when they are raised they are rallied by Satan and his angels to overtake the City of God (The New Jerusalem). The Bible says when we return, not only are we coming with Jesus, but the city he built is coming also – in fact, we will be inside the city.

As they approach the city, it is then that their wickedness is set before their eyes. It is at this time that they must ‘pay the wage of death’ for their sins. They will be consumed by fire and will be no more, and the heaven and earth will pass away in the blaze. This is the ‘lake of fire’ – this is the second death. Once this old Earth passes away by fire, it is THEN when Jesus makes a new heaven and new earth and sits the City of God (aka: The New Jerusalem) upon it. We will forever be with our Lord.


When the Bible uses Babylon in a spiritual sense, “wine of Babylon”, in the book of Revelation; it is relating to the end time scenario. It is obvious that Babylon passed from the scene a long time ago. However, its culture, customs, traditions, and life is prolonged for a season of time through the final power of the fourth kingdom.

When the fourth kingdom is destroyed, Babylon also falls…although Babylon does not have dominion it did have its live extended through Medo-Persia, Greece, and the fourth kingdom of Rome.

How do we know this is what it means? If we look at the conglomerate description of the beast in Revelation 13, we see that it has incorporated remnant parts of the kingdoms that were in power before it came to power.  We see some of the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Grecian principles still alive that have culminated in the fourth kingdom. With this in mind, we can then understand how ‘life’ can be prolonged through successive kingdoms. It is accomplished as they incorporate particular practices, customs, traditions, culture, religion, etc. the statement then makes sense as to what it means when it talks about prolonging of life and how a kingdom can fall they no longer exists physically.

Remember the stone that was cut without hands that smashed the image upon the feet that caused the entire image to crumble – in the end they all fall.  Why did it smash the feet? In the time of the feet, that was part iron mixed with miry clay, sin reaches its climax. The man of sin, who is doing despicable things to God’s word and His people, is fully revealed, thereby ushering in the return of Christ.

Once the stone (Christ) strikes the feet, everything that has been passed on from kingdom to kingdom, has culminated, and which has been stored in the final power is crushed.

Mark Finley, HopeLives365, provides additional background information with the sanctuary which brings more depth to Daniel 7 and 8.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2zaiPrHThU

Here is Mark Finley’s entire playlist on Daniel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8uhKtLnPNM&list=PLILDvXAtv9JjVGwTpdlB3YGHQawlSs6HV

For more information about the new earth click here.

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2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”   AND  1 Thessalonians 5:21, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”