Daniel 8:12-14, Transgression of Desolation – Part 1

Updated 12/26/2023 with additional historic data and more detail. We also split the post of thirteen pages into multiple posts for a more friendlier read.

Rome’s Two Phases

We are going to take a moment and review Rome in its first phase which was politcal/pagan, and then its transition to its second and final phase which is ecclesiastical/papal.

Remember, out of one of the four directions, symbolized as winds (vs. 8-9), came forth the “little horn” which waxed exceedingly great towards the south, towards the east, and toward the pleasant land; so, this means he would come from the north. This is the first time in scripture we have an identification of the king of the north. Note: There are allusions to this concept of ‘king of the north’ and ‘king of the south’ earlier in the Book of Daniel, go back and read those earlier posts.

The Roman Empire also referred to as Imperial Rome is the first phase which is political/pagan. We see that it pushes in these different directions. Rome is conquering the world including Palestine which are horizontal attacks; meaning earthly conquests. Then there is a transition that occurs, where its conquests are no longer earthly or horizontal. The transition occurs when its attacks become vertical; meaning that it turns its attention to God’s pleasant land – the heavenly.

Papal Rome is the second phase which is ecclesiastical/papal in nature. The transition is evident when we read where the “little horn” waxes great to ‘even to the host of heaven, and cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground’ which he then trampled upon them (v. 10). Again, the direction of this power changed from horizontal earthly conquests and begins to focus an attack in a vertical direction which is going up towards heaven.

Identification of the Host and Star (v. 10)

Host and star can refer to ‘angels’, but it can also refer to God’s people on earth. Context is important.  

In Scripture, the church (God’s people) is described as an army: 

1 Samuel 17:45, “Then said Daivd to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.” So, the host is the armies of Israel. Bold supplied.

God’s wise people are referred to as shinning and as stars:

Revelation 12:3, And they (reference to God’s people, see previous verses) that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”

This is referring to God’s people who are wise. Comment added in the verse, they are the wise for they shared the gospel which converted others to righteousness and were redeemed to everlasting life.

So, this ‘little horn” is casting down, persecuting the saints of the Most High God (Dan. 7:25), these are the stars of God’s hosts.

The “Prince of the host” Identified (v. 11)

The “Prince of the host” is Jesus. There is an identical expression used in:

Joshua 5:13-15. This takes place outside of the city of Jericho, “13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?” 14 So He said, “No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, “What does my Lord say to His servant?” 15 Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.” NKJV

The phrase “Commander of the army of the LORD” is the identical expression as the “Prince of the host”, though it is not translated the same in the Hebrew.

An Attack Upon Jesus Christ (v. 11)

What we see next is that the “little horn” then goes into the sanctuary where he “magnified (exalted) himself as high as the Prince of the host” (v. 11). The ‘Prince’ of the host, is the Leader of the host. This tells us that the “little horn” is attacking Heaven and Christ’s ministry in heaven. The “little horn” tries to be Jesus.

The Word “Sacrifice” (vs. 11-13)

The ‘little horn’s’ attack is manifest by taking away the daily and thus the sanctuary is cast down. The word “sacrifice” was not in the original, the Hebrew. It is only the word ‘daily’, again NOT ‘daily sacrifice’.

The translators felt that the ‘little horn’ represented Antiochus Epiphanes who eliminated the sacrifices in the temple for three years. This is why they added the word ‘sacrifices’ to the daily. The fact is, that the word daily here is an adjective that has no noun to qualify. The word simpley means something that goes on and on and on, without interruption. In other words, technically it is an adjective but it should be understood as a noun.

See post titled: Antiochus IV Epiphanes

The Daily or Continual (vs. 11-13)

The ‘daily’ has to do with the sanctuary, because the whole theme of Daniel 8 is about the sanctuary. Even the two animals symbolized, the ram and the he-goat; are the two most important animals of the sanctuary. The daily service, morning and evening, a ram was sacrificed, and the yearly service a he-goat was sacrificed.

The ‘daily’ is sanctuary language. It is connected with the ministry of the priests in the courtyard and in the Holy Place.  It is never used to refer to anything that the priest did in the Most Holy Place.

See post titled: Daniel 8, Clean Beasts are Used.

Let’s look at this very word tamid (NKJV):

Exodus 28:30, “And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron’s heart when he goes in before the Lord. So Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel over his heart before the Lord continually (tamid).
Exodus 29:42, “This shall be a continual (tamid) burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the Lord, where I will meet you to speak with you.”
Leviticus 6:13 – speaking about the continual burning fire: “A fire shall always (tamid) be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.”
Exodus 25:30 – speaking about the table of shewbread: “And you shall set the showbread on the table before Me always (tamid).

Jesus explained that He is the bread of life. (John 6:35, 48-51). The bread represents also the Word of God, which we should feast upon each day symbolically through reading the Bible and yielding to its life-giving words (Matt. 4:4).  Paul said, “For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread.”

Leviticus 24:1-4 – speaking about the seven lamps: “Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Command the children of Israel that they bring to you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to make the lamps burn continually (tamid)Outside the veil of the Testimony, in the tabernacle of meeting, Aaron shall be in charge of it from evening until morning before the Lord continually (tamid)it shall be a statute forever in your generations. He shall [a]be in charge of the lamps on the pure gold lampstand before the Lord continually (tamid).

The candlestick represents the oil of the Holy Spirit that is given to the church so the church can give light. This is the light of His Truth, the light of His Word, the light of eternal life. Those who perceive the true Light will never walk in spiritual darkness (John 8:12, 1 John 1:5-7). We are given light and we are to let our light shine (Matt. 5:14-16). Unfortunately, there are those who walk in darkness (John 1:5, 3:19-20).

Exodus 30:8 – speaking about the altar of incense: “And when Aaron lights the lamps at twilight, he shall burn incense on it, a perpetual (tamid) incense before the Lord throughout your generations.”

The altar of incense represents that when we pray our prayers are blended with the perfect merits of Christ’s righteousness and we are accepted in the sight of God. We have one Mediator between God and man and that is Jesus Christ the man (1 Tim. 2:5). There is no need for any other type of confessional system, for we have direct access to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Nor do we need to go through any other mediator to have access to Jesus Christ.

Summation. The altar (courtyard), the lamp stand, table of shewbread, altar of incense (Holy Place); and the priest represented different aspects of the saving ministry of Jesus Christ. The earthly was a shadow of the true. Upon Jesus’ death, the veil in the sanctuary that divided the Holy from the Most Holy Place ripped in two – from top to bottom (Matt. 27:51).  The type met anti-type, the shadow became reality, the earthly priesthood ended and the heavenly High Priest began.

The ’continual’ refers to the sanctuary’s: sacrifice, the ministration of the priests in the Holy Place, to the fire that was offered in the court, it refers to the shewbread, if refers to the seven lamps, it also refers to the golden altar of incense in the Holy Place.

To be most correct, tamid, should have been translated as ‘continual’. In the New Testament we see the equivalent of tamid:

Hebrews 7:23-25, speaking about the old system: “Also there were many priests, because they were prevented by death from continuing. But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”  

There were many priests (earthly sanctuary) because they died, so they could not continue. Jesus, who is our High Priest, continues forever and has an unchangeable priesthood.

So, we see that the “little horn” cast down to earth the place of the sanctuary; meaning he was going to establish a rival earthly system in place of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

How Many Times Does Jesus Have to Die?

We are told that he died once for all (Heb. 7:27).  The focus then, is upon the body and blood of Jesus Christ in heaven who died once for all for us, and His administration of his sacrifice to us.

We are looking for religious system(s) that cast down the ministry of Jesus Christ as is represented by the sanctuary. Any system that subverts the ministry of Christ is in apostacy. Understand, we are point at systems NOT people. It is our duty to share the truth with brothers and sister that may be in or associated with a system that is subverting the ministry of Christ. So here are some questions to consider:
Is there a religious system(s) that continually sacrifices Jesus?
Is Jesus ever said to be contained in a wafer host?
Are these ‘hosts’ kept in an artifact that is called the tabernacle?
Are people admonished to bow and worship before the host when it is held up?
At the pronouncement of Hoc Est Corpus does the host become the real, literal body of Jesus Christ?
Do people consume the host believe they are eating the sacrificed body of Jesus Christ, even though it looks and taste like bread?
Is grape juice ever changed into the actual blood of Jesus Christ?
Do people consume the drink believe they are drinking the actual blood of Christ, even though it looks and tastes like grape juice?
Is there a time in history where a system caused the Light to be diminished?
Have you ever heard of the Dark Ages? If so, do you know what happened during that time to people of faith?
Was there ever a time when laypeople were forbidden to read the Bible?
Where people ever burned at the stake for translating the Bible into the common language?
Has the word of God been replace by man-made traditions?
Are traditions exalted above the inspired, holy word of God?
Is there a system that calls for penance, because what Jesus did on the cross was not enough?
Can the traditions of purgatory, limbo, celibacy, confession, an eternally burning hell, lent, processions, the mass, relics, canonization of saints, the rosary, bowing before images, the immaculate conception, the assumption of Mary, baptism of infants by sprinkling, novenas, the observance of Sunday, etc. be substantiated in the Word of God? The answer is NO.

The focus of these types of practices is on an earthly system which replaces Jesus’ system that He Himself established. The real question, Is salvation at stake here?

Taking away the ‘daily” (continual) is the removal of the ministration of Christ where he is feeding the church with the bread, he is interceding for the church, he is giving the Holy Spirit to the church so it could shed light…not only the remnant church corporately, but most importantly the body of the church which is the believers.

Now that we have refreshed with a review, defined terms and phrases, we will move forward to the next three verses.

12 And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.

The non-bold underlined words were not in the original, it should read:

12 And an host was given against the daily by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.

In Daniel 8:11,25; we see Jesus officiating in the heavenly sanctuary. So, what Daniel 8 shows is that the “little horn” is attacking Christ Himself, not as a human being as Rome did in its political/pagan phase where they put him to death, but in their ecclesiastical/papal phase they are subverting His administration as our High Priest and Advocate in heavenly sanctuary. They have replaced Jesus’ system with their earthly system.

Going back to Daniel 2, we saw this same transition occur in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The legs of iron represented the political/pagan Roman Empire (state). When we get to the feet and toes of the image we see where there was a mingling of the iron with clay. Remember, that clay is representative of God’s people, however, this is miry clay meaning apostacy has occurred. So, it is a church/state system.

How did the church make sure that the it kept this system going? The church had to have an army, they had to have a political power to back them up. Is this what happened during the Dark Ages? Did the church appeal to the arm of the of the state to punish anyone who is not in favor of their beliefs and their practices? To find the answer, all you have to do is read the history books.

So, we have identified who the ‘army’ (host) that was given to the horn, to oppose the ‘daily’. Remember, that in this post we identified ‘host’ as also being people, they can be people of God or not.

We already have addressed how the truth was cast to the ground. Jesus’ system was replaced by a religious earthly system. We see how the ‘little horn’ practices, by force. However, it’s force was taken away, which we will study more about when we get to the ‘deadly wound’. But, for the sake of this post, we will mention that it will once again use force once its ‘deadly wound’ completely heals. The wound is in its healing process, but note that is continues to practice and prosper.

Note: The word ‘prosper’ is the same idea that is used in Daniel 7 for the ‘little horn’.

It is at this point in the vision that it goes blank, Daniel only has audio…he is no longer seeing, he is only hearing. Daniel is hearing the conversation between two angels.

13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long (until when)shall be the vision* concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? Better translation of ‘how long’ provided.

The non-bold underlined words were not in the original, it should read:

13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain which spake, How long the vision the daily, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?

Terminology Defined

ko’-desh, qodes (H6944) is another term for sanctuary. Ko’desh is used throughout Leviticus 16 to designate the sanctuary as the object of purification. Verses 13, 14.

tsaw-baw’, (H6635) is a military term used to denote an army, though it is also used in a cultic setting. Interestingly enough, it is used in relation to the work of the Levites in the sanctuary (Num. 4:3,23,30; 8:24-25). Therefore, it would appear that there is a clear connection between tsaw-baw’ (host) and the ko’-desh (sanctuary system).

We see the connection between the sanctuary and host, Daniel is focused on the attacks by the ‘little horn’. Remember, the transition has gone from horizontal (earthly conquests, political/pagan Rome) to vertical. We need to remember that the transition to the second phase (ecclesiastical/papal) has occurred (v. 10) and we see the vertical attack enlarging here. The ‘little horn’ is casting the truth to the ground. What truth? The truth of what the earthly sanctuary pointed to which is Christ’s entire plan of salvation, His work on our behalf as our High Priest and Mediator.

The Vision

The vision being referred to is the whole vision that Daniel just saw: the ram (Medo-Persia), the he-goat (Greece), the notable horn/first king (Alexander the Great), broken horn (Alexander’s death), the four horns that come up in the place of the broken horn (the division of Greece), the “little horn” that comes up out of the four (Rome, second phase/papal), and the transgression that causes horror because of the removal of the ‘daily’ or continual (replacement of Jesus’ system with an earthly system brought forth by the little horn). So, the time prophecy given in verse 14 is for the entire vision.

In Revelation 6:9-11 is a similar scene. There you have some martyrs that are crying out from under the altar which is the fifth seal. This is the same historical timeframe. They are crying out because they have been mowed down by the church that claims to be the Church of Jesus Christ. They cry out…Until when, Lord (same question) will you not judge and avenge our blood on them who have shed our blood upon the earth?

14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days (evening and morning*); then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. Comment added.

*Note: Days equates to years in prophecy. Click here for a previous post regarding the year/day principle in Bible prophecy.

Which Sanctuary Will be Cleansed?

There is a very interesting nuance here. Before Daniel 8:14, the word that is used for sanctuary is the word miqdas (H4720), but in Daniel 8:14 the word for sanctuary has changed to qodes (H6944).

The entire sanctuary is not being talked about in verse 14.  The sanctuary to be cleansed is not the miqdas but rather the qodes. The qodes refers to the Most Holy Place, and we will notice that later on in our posts.

Summation. We see that this power tampers with the times and laws of God (7:25), it persecutes the saints (7:21,25), and it casts down God’s heavenly sanctuary (8:1012); meaning the work of Jesus Christ as High Priest, Advocate, and Mediator.

We understand that this ‘little horn’ power casts the truth to the ground and trodden the sanctuary and host under foot as it practiced and prospered occurs for 2,300-days; at which time the sanctuary is cleansed. This is a significant transgression by the ‘little horn’ regarding the “daily”.  Note: The 2,300-day prophecy is connected to Chapter 9, where God gives Daniel special instruction on what that timeline actually means – more on this in future posts.

Next up will be Part 2, which will continue the study of Daniel 8:12-14.