Daniel 8:9-11, Enlargement of the Little Horn, Part 4

Looking Ahead

Recall when we posted an introduction to the terms chazown and mareh, if needed you can access that post here, scroll toward the latter part of the post.

Daniel 8:13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision (Chazown) concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?

The word “sacrifice” was supplied by the translators, it did not appear in the original.

Two heavenly beings are speaking to one another in Daniel’s vision, and the question is how long of a time period will encompass the chazown; meaning, Medo-Persia (ram), Greece (he-goat), the terrible beast and it’s “little horn”. And, the request specifies the ‘daily’ which is attacked by the “little horn that causes horror by treading it under foot.

The answer comes in verse 14:

Daniel 8:14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

The answer is for 2300-days (evenings and mornings) – then the sanctuary shall be cleansed* (righteousness, righteous, justified, made righteous, vindicated). This is the longest prophecy in the entire Bible.

The cleansing of the sanctuary points us back to the plan of salvation in which at last sin will be eradicated. The sanctuary points us to Christ’s ministry in heaven on our behalf. A final ‘Day of Atonement’ is coming when sin is no only removed but disposed/destroyed of forever…this is the cleaning that will take place. The judgment is already in progress, we have nothing to fear regarding the judgment, for if we are clothed with Christ’s robe of righteousness our sins are blotted out and our name remains in the Book of Life. Those that reject Him, will not have their sins blotted out and their names will be removed from the Book of Life. Christ will not force Himself upon anyone, but He will continue to call all to come. Once we open the door and let Jesus in, He will help us to be overcomers of sin. We will find that it is joyful to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. We will trust and obey, and He even works that out in us. We contribute nothing to justification, sanctification or glorification. The only thing we do is surrender and accept. We continue to surrender and accept as He works it out in us.

Scripture informs us that the desolation will stop at the cleansing*. See: Desolation Matt. 24:15), and Sanctuary trodden (2 Thess. 2:4). Persecution will end, after the 2,300-days ends. 

As posted earlier, prophetic time is calculated one day for a year. The 2,300-days would be 2,300 years.

Once we get through the time period in chapter 9 of the 70-weeks; a chart will be uploaded for viewing.

*The cleansing of the sanctuary parallels the judgment in heaven chapter 7:9-14, 22, 26-27.

Fourth Dreadful Terrible Beast and Little Horn – Rome

The history of Rome can be seen in three distinct periods:

1. The Regal Period (Kings)

2. Roman Republic

3. Roman Empire (Imperial Rome – political/pagan)
a. Roman Empire (Imperial Rome), Phase 1: is where we see the political/pagan kingdom active, it was a powerhouse in conquest and brutal in its behavior.
i. The empire became weak due to corruption, political instability, economic and social problems, and on-going invasions by Germanic tribes; led to the fall
and division of the empire.
ii. However, even the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire left a hankering after some sort of political unity across at least Western Europe, and more
widely, which found expression in the coronation of Charlemagne in 800, followed a century later by the institution of the long-lived but effete and
misnamed Holy Roman Empire, then by Napoleon’s brief but highly influential ascendancy, and currently by the European Union. In terms of religion,
Christianity, whose dominance was established by imperial decree in the 4th century, has remained the principal religion of Europe ever since. And the
aristocratic ethos that pervaded the ancient world has effectively survived the concerted efforts to destroy it. Source: Continuity and Change after the Fall
of the Roman Empire, worldhistory.org
b. Papal Rome (ecclesiastical/state entity) When Daniel see’s the little horn he is looking at the ten horns, so Daniel is looking at the fourth-fifth century. This power would arise out of the remnant of the Roman Empire. The ‘little horn” is different, as compared to the other empires who did not attack heaven or persecute, wear out, God’s people. Note: Remember, the ‘little horn’ had eyes like a man. What is a prophet called in the bible? A seer, who sees with God’s eyes representing wisdom and understanding which results in divine teaching (Eph. 1:18). So, the ‘little horn’ has the eyes of man so its power is based upon philosophy and human traditions from the eyes of man. It introduced works rather than mercy and grace as a method of salvation…tampering with the very law of God. The result of a religious-political power was manifested as the Dark Ages…a medieval church that persecuted Bible believing Christians.

We must remember, that the fourth beast (kingdom) and the “little horn” who rises from the fourth kingdom are both Rome. The two are intertwined, especially we will see this as the ‘little horn’ rises, and continues even after the fall of the Roman Empire into divided kingdoms. Political/pagan Rome, that we have tagged as phase 1, conquers horizontally in geographic conquests; but then there is a sudden shift and the attacks become vertical towards heaven which we have tagged as phase 2 (ecclesiastical/papal).

The emergence of the Roman pontiff to power and prominence happened by natural circumstance rather than divine appointment. This took place in two stages. First, it was the church in Rome that emerged to prominence and only then, as part of its eminence, did its leader begin to stand out. The Catholic church has inverted these facts by suggesting that apostolic power and authority, indeed, Peter’s preeminent power and authority, established the Roman bishop whereas, in fact, the Roman bishopric’s growing ecclesiastical prestige derived, not from Peter, but from the church in Rome.

Thinking Back

Think of it this way going back to Daniel 2, we had the image of successive kingdoms:

 Rome, political/pagan, ecclesiastical/papal (union of church/state)
 Stone (Jesus Christ), cut without hands, smites the image upon the feet
 Image crumbles
 Stone grows into a great mountain (God’s Eternal Kingdom)

Daniel 2 is the framework that Daniel 7 and 8 follow.

Big Picture

Daniel 2 provides us with the ‘big picture’ of His prophetic message. There is a succession of kingdoms that are known to be: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome (political/pagan, ecclesiastical/papal). These are the four great WORLD empires, each dominating the world in their rule. Babylon sets the prophetic stage in motion, and though the kingdom was conquered and its dominion was taken away; it continues to live on in a spiritual sense if you will, through it practices, customs, culture, traditions, religion, etc. in the succeeding kingdoms. This is why we see it in the end time scenario, “Mystery, Babylon The Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth (Rev. 17:5) and we are told that Babylon has fallen, has fallen (Rev. 14:8, 18:2). We need to learn all that we can about Babylon, so we can avoid it.

We will post a little about spiritual Babylon and its wine, for this will become more prominent in our upcoming studies, especially when we get to Revelation. It is a look in brief, much more detail will be provided as we move forward in our studies.

Spiritual Babylon

The spirit behind Babylon is the dragon, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, who is at war against our LORD. He began his war in heaven, and then carried it to earth. Shortly after creation, we read about his influence in the life of Adam and Eve, then Cain. We see him active in the time of Noah, and in the rebellion that followed the flood at the Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, in literal Babylon and the successive kingdoms, in Christ’s day, the Dark Ages…just to name a few and he will continue his war against God and God’s people clear down to the end of time. He is clever at using human agents, systems, philosophies, and is a master at remixing God’s word to deceive and destroy. His craft is deceit and he is scheming the greatest conspiracy in human history. The dragon, beast, and false prophet collectively constitute spiritual Babylon, and their wine they serve is poison for it is false doctrine.

An Example of Babylon’s Wine

The Rapture Myths. The secret rapture is preached from the pulpits. So, many Christian’s hold the view that Christ secretly raptures Christians away the church, meaning no one will see Jesus coming except believers who are taken to heaven. This is in contrast to the second coming of Christ after the tribulation, when ‘every eye will see him”. Some believe that the rapture occurs before the beginning of the seven-year tribulation. While others hold to a rapture in the middle of the seven-year tribulation. Yet others cling to a post-tribulation rapture. In general, these views have the same message, that people will have another opportunity to be saved for judgment is at a later time.

Here is an example of pre-tribulation rapture, meaning the church has been raptured away in secret; then:

At the onset of the seven-year tribulation, the Antichrist comes into power. Immense chaos has enveloped earth. Several things will occur during this time, such as:

  • This will be a time for purifying Israel in order to fulfill the promise to Abraham. The rebels will be purged out, so the nation of Israel can be purified which means God deals with the rebellion.
  • Also, it is a time to punish the sinners, those who revel in wickedness.
  • Additionally, there will be the greatest revival in the history of the world. Many of whom will be martyred by the Antichrist, because they refuse the mark of the beast.

Then comes the millennium (1,000-years) of peace with Christ reigning as King. Everyone will be saved who enters into the millennium. Life will continue, there will be marriages and children will be born. Some of those children will rebel against the things of God.  Since Jesus in reigning, there will be swift justice regarding rebellion for He rules with a rod of iron.  There will not be any long delays in justice, no long waits for trials, no long waits for sentences to be carried out. There will be immediate justice based upon the holy reign of King Jesus. The purpose of the millennium is to reward the people of God, respond to the prophets’ predictions, to receive an answer to the disciples’ prayer, and to reemphasize man’s depravity and the necessity of Christ’s death. And, the righteous rule with Him.

Finally, comes eternity. The righteous are with Christ and the lost are in hell burning.  

There are variations to this, but this is one version of it that is propagated. These views are not prophetically accurate, and will be used by Satan to feed into his greatest deception of all time.

The wine of Babylon is specifically designed to bring about spiritual drunkenness. Notice the warning of Proverbs 31: “Do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to that which destroys … It is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes intoxicating drink; lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the justice of all the afflicted” (Proverbs 31:3–5, NKJV). Those who drink the wine of Babylon are drunk on the wine of the harlot and her daughters, “forgetting” the law and what God said to remember—including, the Sabbath day.

The Plain Word has materials on other common doctrines that feed into this great deception. Feel free to explore articles under the tabs: Truth Matters, Origins, Affirming Truths 1, and Affirming Truths 2. We suggest that you start at the beginning of our posts for they set a good foundation from which we build. They are available in the side bar under ‘Archives’, and we began posting in June 2021.

Greatest Deception of All – Coming Soon to Planet Earth

What is the greatest deception of all time? Satan will personate Christ (2 Cor. 11:14).

Satan will unite with the sea beast and the false prophet, making a false trinity (dragon/Satan, sea beast/papacy, and false prophet/apostate Protestantism). This union represents the FALSE ‘king of the north’. This three-fold union will appear “Christian”, but it speaks like a dragon. This union is spiritual Babylon.  Remember, that Satan is also behind the ‘king of the south’ which represents all the ‘ism’s’ that are against the word of God…meaning it represents all who are not part of the ‘king of the north’. In like manner, Satan is behind the ‘king of the north’ which proclaims Christianity but behaves differently. Satan is brilliant in that he brushes these two against one another in order to bring about his master plan. In Revelation, we are told that the deadly wound would heal and ‘all the world will wonder after the beast’ (Rev. 13:3). How will this ever happen? By miracles (Rev. 13:13-14; 2 Cor. 11:4, 2 Thess. 2:9-12). Lucifer’s desire was to be like God and to sit upon his throne (Ezek. 28:11-17; Isa. 14:12-14). Lucifer was eventually cast down from heaven for he determined to be at war with God (Rev. 12:7-11), there was no turning back from his iniquity. Lucifer is also known as: Satan, devil, serpent, adversary, etc.

Notes: Sea Beast of Revelation 13 is also symbolized by the legs of iron who then is divided and mixed with miry clay in the feet and toes of the image (Dan. 2), is the fourth terrible, dreadful beast who has ten horns and then a little horn rise who has eyes like a man and a blasphemous mouth who plucks up three of the ten horns (Dan. 7), and the “little horn” in Daniel 8. This is not all inclusive of the descriptions of this power, but will suffice for the purpose of this point being made.  The false prophet is another descriptor for the beast that rises out of the earth who looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon, it is this beast that ‘makes an image’ to the sea beast and causes all to wonder after the beast (Rev. 13:14-18).

Since so many believe in this false rapture doctrine, it will be easy to deceive when Satan appears as Christ wanting peace and unites with the papacy and apostate Protestantism…and miracles are performed such as fire coming forth from the sky; demonic angels masquerading as departed loved ones, apostles, prophets, etc.; and having the appearance or form of godliness…it is understandable how all the world will wonder. The mark will be a false system of worship which includes Sunday observance.

There will be two groups in this time: those that are wondering after the beast and those that keep the commandments of God, have the faith of Jesus, and testimony of Jesus (Rev. 14:12-13, 12:17). Everyone must make a choice. The parable of the ten virgins should be read. All ten professed, proclaimed the Bridegroom and were waiting, all ten fell asleep while the Bridegroom tarried, and all ten had their lamps. When the ‘loud cry’ went forth, all ten rose to meet the Bridegroom, but only five had oil in their lamps. Those are the ones who that were read when he came and went in with him to the marriage (Matt. 25:1-13).

Those that are rejecting Babylon, if you will, and speaking against it will be blamed for the chaos and catastrophes that come upon the world. However, it will be Satan who brings the catastrophes and will blame the true followers of Christ. The world will be told that God is sending the catastrophes because of us and that we must be eliminated so peace can come. A death decree will go forth, and this is the climax of the great controversy. Jesus stands up, pours out the seven last plagues upon the unrepentant, and then He returns to gather His people. He is our ‘Warrior’, those that are sealed in Christ will not experience the affects of the plagues. We know this sounds extravagant; some may even say crazy; but it is the truth.

REVIEW of the biblical account in brief (in-depth studies will be provided in upcoming posts):

  1. Judgment is occurring now. Judgment is in favor of the saints. In Daniel, we view the seating of the heavenly court: the Ancient of Days (the Father) is seated, and a Royal Commission of angels are summoned and are gathered around the throne. The judgment is set, and the books – which is the celestial records of our lives – are opened before the universe. All that have ever lived are judged (vs. 7:9-10, 21-22, 26-27, Rev. 17:1). No mistake is made in the heavenly judgment. The unrepentant will not be released, nor will the righteous be condemned. Judgment will be made in righteousness and truth. This is heaven’s measuring rod (1 Kings 8:32). The high court of heaven has a legal system administered in righteousness. There is no possibility of misrepresentation or deception (Ps. 9:7-8).
  2. A time of trouble occurs on earth, as the world has never seen (Matt. 24:3,6-8 (NASB). The Bible compares this time to ‘birth pains’; meaning the chaos and disaster will be more frequent and intense. See. Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, 2 Thessalonians 2, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, James 5:1-8, 2 Peter 3:3-5, and Daniel 12:4. Other texts may be used to supplement this list.
  3. There is warring between the ‘king of the north’ and the “king of the south”. The ‘king of the north’ overcomes the ‘king of the south’. Then the ‘king of the north’ focuses upon God’s people. This describes, in brief, describes the end time scenario as mentioned above under the section titled: The Greatest Deception of All
  4. Once sin has reached its climax; meaning it is at its zenith, and God’s people are under attack is when Christ stands up (Dan. 12:1). The sheep and the goats have been separated (Matt. 25:32-33). Probation has closed and the plagues are poured out upon the unrepentant. Note: When probation closes judgment will be completed for the human race* (Rev. 22:11). This verse basically tells us of a time where nothing that happens from this point on can change anyone’s mind for everybody has made a final decision as to where they stand. We are either sealed or marked. See: Rev. 15:1, 14:9-10, 16:1-12, the plagues will not harm God’s people for they have been sealed (Rev. 7:1-3).
  5. Daniel 7:13-14, the Son of Man who is our Representative approaches the Ancient of Days, and receives His eternal kingdom. The judgment reveals before the entire universe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have done everything possible to save all humanity. The judgment vindicated not only the saints, but God’s own character against the false charges of Satan (see: Job 1:6-22, Job 2; Ps. 51:1-4).**
  6. Then Christ returns with the host of heaven to gather His people. Christ returns as the King of kings and Lord of lords. When Jesus comes, His reward is with Him, so it stands to reason that the judgment is completed (Rev. 22:12-14, Isa. 40:10-12; Rom. 2:5-7, James 1:12, 1 Cor. 2:9). Those that died in Christ are resurrected, then those that are living and translated, this is the first resurrection of life (Dan. 12:2-3, 1 Thess. 4:16-18; 1 Cor. 15:52; Jn. 5:28-29; Rev. 20:4). We are given our reward. We receive an incorruptible, imperishable body; and death will be no more (Rev. 21:4). We are redeemed to the perfection He originally intended making to have. Note: The second resurrection is the resurrection of condemnation (or second death) for the unrepentant (lost), which occurs after the millennium with Christ in heaven, until then the lost are dead upon the earth (Rev. 20:5).
  7. During the millennium, Satan is locked up in a pit (desolate earth), along with all the angels who chose to follow him (Revelation 12:4). He is not able to deceive the nations any longer. Though the Bible doesn’t specifically state it, we can infer this pit refers to the earth after the resurrection of the saints. 
  8. We live with Christ for 1,000-years in heaven. Revelation 20:4, mentions thrones and judgment, so we will be allowed to go through the records God has been keeping since earth began (Rev. 20:12). God is going to read the records and we will witness these people’s lives, understand their motives, and see the outcome of their choices. We will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God truly is a good and righteous judge (1 Cor. 6:2-3).
  9. We return to earth with Christ, the host of heaven, and the city of God (the New Jerusalem). The unrepentant are raised, their hearts unchanged and as they approach the city of God (Rev. 20:7-10) along with Satan and the fallen angels their deeds pass before them and they pay the wages for their sin – which is death…the second death…a final, eternal death. They are consumed by fire for they are not able to stand in the presence of a holy God in their unrepentant condition (Malachi 4:1-3). Sin, death and the grave are finished. The beast is destroyed (Dan. 7:11).
  10. Christ then creates a new heaven and new earth. The city of God is place upon the earth, and we live eternally with our Lord. Paradise has been restored (Rev. 21:2-5).  

*All Christians believe there is a close of probation, even though they don’t use that phrase. This might be at the Second Coming or after the millennium, but all Christians believe that there is a point when people can no longer switch sides.

**Imagine you are before a Court, and where only the plain Truth rules. While facing this Court you already know that you are “short”, that you have no excuses, and there is nothing to justify your past mistakes. Thus, before you get to the courtroom you already know you are guilty! Although it all seems so serious and hopeless, this same public Court offers you a Lawyer, a person who not only defends you, but is the only One who is able to pay whatever bond is required. What a relief! We have nothing to fear, IF we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior allowing Him to mold us to reflect His character, which is evidenced by the fruits of our life. The interesting thing is, He even gives us everything we need to produce good fruit and to be obedient to His laws! Covered in His righteousness, when our name comes before the Father what He sees is Jesus. All praise and glory be to God.

Forever and Ever

Revelation says that Satan will burn forever and ever (Revelation 20:10). This, however, does not mean that Satan will be spending all of eternity burning in torment. 

Satan is not immortal, nor would God leave him in a state of constant torture for all of eternity. Scripture says that only the righteous will have eternal life (1 John 2:17).

However, Satan’s punishment will be forever in the sense that it will be permanent. Once Satan is destroyed, nothing in all creation can bring him back. And with Satan’s ultimate death, evil dies too, releasing the hold it once had on our world.

This is what the end of sin looks like. With the fall of Satan and his followers, the corruption that has plagued the earth will finally be eradicated. The disease will be burned away, and the whole earth will be cleansed.

This is what Scriptures means when it talks of the “second death” (Revelation 20:6), a permanent destruction from which there can be no resurrection. Those who experience the second death are gone for good, including Satan. 

When he is thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, he is finished. The sin he brought into the world can never return again. With Satan’s final destruction, evil is ended forever, and God’s kingdom can return to the glorious paradise it was always meant to be.

Source: What Adventist Believe.

Comforting Hymn

“ My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name

When He shall come with trumpet sound
Oh may I then in Him be found
Dressed in his righteousness alone
Faultless to stand before the throne

On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand”

Jesus understands implicitly what it means to live in a sin-sick world and experience the temptation to sin at every turn. He is the compassionate and empathetic advocate for sinners who offers his blood AND righteousness. We see His love all through the Bible and His desire to save people.

The Sanctuary

As we looked at a significant false doctrine, the secret rapture, we can see why it is important to understand Jesus’ system; and we find it in the sanctuary. The earthly sanctuary was a pattern of the true.

The Sanctuary. In Exodus 25:8-9, we are told that God showed the pattern for the sanctuary. The earthly priests pointed to our High Priest: Hebrews 8:1-5, 9:11-12, 23-28. The vision regarding the attack upon Jesus and His people was sealed up for the end of time Daniel 8:26-27. It is important to know the truth, for the truth shall make us what? Makes us free, and converts the soul from error which hides a multitude of sins John 8:32-34, James 5:19-20

Rome enjoyed the gods of Greece (Zeus, Aries, Hercules, etc.), and they absorbed them into their own culture and customs for example; Zeus became Jupiter, Aries became Mars, Heracles became Hercules, etc. Then when the shift occurred from political/pagan to ecclesiastical/papal – these statutes were taken and garnished with new Christian names, such as the pagan statute of Jupiter that was taken from the pantheon in Rome that used to be a pagan temple and was renamed Peter. Many other customs and traditions were incorporated into their ‘policies and practices’, resulting in Rome’s own system of salvation that is in stark contrast to Jesus’ system.

Jesus is Central to All Prophecy

Prophecy is always centered around Jesus in some way, and the backdrop is the great controversy between good and evil. We see Jesus ministering on our behalf as our High Priest, Advocate, Mediator, Redeemer, and Friend. The framework we see Jesus operating in is His system that he established called the sanctuary. He provided us with an earthly type so we can understand the great plan of salvation from beginning to end.

Disclaimer:  THE PLAIN WORD may quote an outside article(s) or provide references to outside materials, which indicate that we stand behind the content of that particular article, topic or reference; but it is not an endorsement by The Plain Word of the author’s opinion, lifestyle or work published elsewhere. 

2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”   AND  1 Thessalonians 5:21, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”