Genesis 45 Overview, Joseph Reveals Himself

Genesis 45

It is at that very moment, when Judah talked about the “evil” that would fall upon ’avi, “my father” (Genesis 44:34), that Joseph ordered all men out with the exception of his brothers (v. 1) and then “made himself known” to them. This expression, often used to refer to God’s self-revelation (Exodus 6:3Ezekiel 20:9), suggests that it is God also who had revealed Himself here, as well. That is, the Lord had shown that His providence reigns, even despite human failures.

Joseph’s brothers cannot believe what they are hearing and seeing. Thus, Joseph is obliged to repeat, “I am Joseph your brother” (v. 4), and only at the second time, when they hear the precise words “whom you sold into Egypt” (v. 4), that they believe.

Joseph then declares: “God sent me” (v. 5). This reference to God has a double purpose. It serves not only to reassure his brothers that Joseph does not have bad feelings about them; it is also a profound confession of faith, and an expression of hope, because what they did was necessary for the “great deliverance” and the survival of a “posterity” (v. 7).

Joseph then urges his brothers to go to his father in order to prepare him to come to Egypt. He accompanies his call with specific words concerning the place where they will “dwell,” that is, Goshen, famous for its rich pasture, “the best of the land” (vs. 18, 20). He also takes care of the transportation: carts are provided, which will ultimately convince Jacob that his sons were not lying to him about what they had just experienced (v. 27). Jacob takes this visible demonstration as visible evidence that Joseph is alive, and this is enough for him to become alive again (compare with Genesis 37:35Genesis 44:29).

Adapted from SSNET Staff.

Lesson for Us

It is difficult for many to forgive someone who’s done great harm, that totally breaks the heart and makes one feel desolate. Embarking on a journey of true forgiveness paves the way to healing.  Beginning with self and with God. Praying for the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort through the process.  Healing will come inwardly and miraculously  forgiveness will come for the person(s) who caused emotional brokenness. The miracle is that prayers are said for the one that caused the harm.  God is so wonderful! He can turn suffering into resilience, patience, self-awareness, love for God, for oneself and for others, in the right measure! God provides everything needed to be happy, no matter how difficult the situation might look. He is an awesome God and always cares.

He loves us so much that he forgave us while we were yet sinners…in rebellion against Him. He wants for us to have that kind of love for others, even our enemies.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit this can be achieved.  Praise God.