My Letter to a Sunday Keeper

My Letter to a Sunday Keeper Video. Jan Capa / School for Prophets.

Another documentary film on the SABBATH has been released by Journey Films. The documentary film is told as a collection of short stories, SABBATH explores the history of one of the world’s most important spiritual practices and its timeless relevance for a stressed-out, modern world. Click here to access the film.

Notes regarding the Sabbath

Mark 2:23-27 Sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.

Man was created on day 6, immediately after (next day) made Sabbath.  God had man in mind when he created the sabbath. God is a Creator of order.

Jesus was our example for sabbath, …rested from his work (to enjoy his creation), set it apart (an appointed time), hallowed it, blessed it.

There was to be a relationship between God and his creation.  God wanted to reveal himself to his creation, and time is needed to do that.

Sabbath was for the Israelites only, but that is not so for it existed from the beginning, and will continue when heaven and earth is made anew.

Some will say the 10 Commandments came into existence on Mt. Sinai, but if the Bible is read from Genesis onward to the Mt Sinai experience…all the commandments are there.

Walk before God: means doing all that God asks us to do, which includes and embraces the commandments:
Genesis 5:21-25 Enoch lived 365 years, walked with God, God took him.
Genesis 6:5-13 Noah walked with God.
Genesis 17:1 Abram was told by God to walk before Him.
Luke 1:5-6 Zacharia walked in all the commandments…

1 Jn. 4:8 God is love
Romans 13:10 love is fulfilling of the law
If God is love, and love fulfills the law; then God’s very character is the law (10 Commandments).
Amos 3:3 two can’t walk together unless they agree.

It would be odd that Enoch and Noah would walk together with God, but not agree with the 10 commandments which is the very being and character of God.

The Sabbath is part of the 10 Commandments and cannot be disconnected from the other 9.  So, if the Sabbath did not exist until Mt. Sinai then the other 9 did not either.  They are one complete law, however, the reality is that all 10 can be found prior to Mt. Sinai.

Exodus 16:23-27 manna was a test to see if they will follow Him regarding His sabbath commandment, and a test to see if they would trust Him in their journey towards the Promised Land. God was teaching them what had been established in the beginning and was practiced prior to their enslavement (400+ years ago).

Exodus 5:5 And Pharaoh said, Behold, the people of the land now are many, and ye make them rest from their burdens.  This was after Moses fled into the wilderness for 40 years then came back by God’s command to free the Israelites.  One of the things Moses was to do was to reinstitute the Sabbath rest for the people of Israel.  Rest (H7673) means shabath which means sabbath.  The Pharoah knew of the sabbath, and he did not like the idea of letting them take a sabbath rest.

Genesis 26:5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statues, and my laws.  Abraham kept the commandments of God. Even tho is does not say Abraham kept the Sabbath, we know that the Sabbath is part of God’s commandments.

Genesis 39 mentions Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph. Joseph responded that this would be sin and fled.  As we know, sin is transgression of the law.  If there was no law, then there would have been nothing for Abraham to keep and there would have been no sin for Potiphar’s wife and Joseph. Since we cannot separate God’s law, all 10 were intact at this time.

Genesis 4 Cain killed his brother Abel. If there was no law about murder, there would have been no reason for God to question Cain about slaying Abel. The fact is, the 10 commandments existed from the beginning.

The account of the earth in Noah’s time, God said ‘man’s heart was evil continously’.  What is evil…sin.  What is sin…transgression of the law.  Genesis 6 is about the people breaking all of His commandments.  This grieved God.

Noah found grace in God.  Why do we need grace? Because of our sin.  It was by faith that Noah enter the ark.

After the flood, the world was still of one language/speech. At the tower of Babel, because of their behavior…God went down and confounded their language (Gen. 11:7). This is how all the languages came into existence…all the root languages of the dialects of the world, and the word Sabbath is still being used for Saturday to this day.  Why is that? Even today, we find the same. Sabbath means rest and we see examples of this ‘rest’ being referred to prior to Mt. Sinai.

Another indication that there was a law that was kept before Mt. Sinai is in the story of Lucifer.  Lucifer  when in heaven fell from God’s grace, who was perfect in all ways TIL iniquity was found in him.  Ezekiel 28:14-15.  The word ‘iniquity (H5766) means unrighteousness (lawlessness) which is transgression of the law, which is sin.  So, this means the law was in heaven before it was on earth.

Some say that the Sabbath was a Sign between God and Israel – Gentiles don’t have to keep the Sabbath.
Sabbath command – Ex. 20:8-11…who were the ‘strangers within thy gates”? Gentiles.

Ex. 12:37-38, Moses was leading the people out of Egypt.  We are told that a mixed multitude went up along with their belongings.  Mixed multitude meaning not Israelites, so they were Gentiles.  So, the Sabbath was made for mankind (Mark 2:27-28).  No where in the bible will you find the Sabbath of the Jews, you will find Sabbath of the Lord thy God (Ex. 20:8, Matt. 12:8).

Israel was to be the gospel light of the world and share the true God to the heathen nations who took over the promised land.

Isa. 42:6 I, the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; The Israelites were to bring the Gentiles back to God.  Unfortunately, instead of Israel converting the hostile empires, the hostile empires converted them. You don’t read them preaching the gospel of the Messiah to come to them, rather you see the hostile empires rubbing off on them. Nevertheless, this was the message they were to take: a message about Him, his character, and who He is. 

Some think that non-Jews don’t have to keep the Sabbath. Isa. 56:6-7 all are invited to keep the Sabbath and He declares a blessing on anyone who keeps the Sabbath. The covenant was for all of humanity to come and be His people. His house was to be called a house of prayer FOR ALL NATIONS. Very clear, the Sabbath was not only for the Jews.

This is in harmony with Mark 2:27 when Jesus said, Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:  It is for everyone, just as we seen in Isaiah 56.

Exodus 31. Oh but it says that the Sabbath was to be a sign between God and the Israelites (Jews).  Romans 2:25-27 Paul is talking about those who are circumcised (Jews/Israelites).  Then, he says if you are a circumcised Jew and keep the law then good for you, but if you break the law you are no longer considered circumcised…no longer a Jew.  Interesting. Next verse he says if the uncircumcised keep the righteousness of the law his uncircumcision will be counted for circumcision…meaning he is a Jew.  How?  Verses 28-29 tells us, Paul says, “He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”

Paul is saying you are not a Jew by your outward appearance you are a Jew if you keep the righteousness of the law or commandments of God. You can only be a part of God’s people if you uphold God’s commandments.    So, the sign between God and his true people is the Sabbath.  This also means that being a physical Jew means nothing in this regard, because you are not being a spiritual Jew.  To determine if a people is God’s true people, you must examine if they have the sign…which is the Sabbath.  Anyone who accepts Christ is a Jew…we are grafted in as spiritual Israel.  On the other hand, Jews who reject Christ is cast out…and are no longer Jews.

Romans 10:12- Here God was trying to bring down this antagonistic racism. “For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” There is no difference between the Jew and the Gentile.

Sabbath was made for man.  The word ‘man’ is Anthropos (G444).  Is the study of mankind…this is where we get the word ‘anthropology’.  Sabbath was meant for all humankind.  Adam, Noah, Abraham were not Jews.  Jews came much later; but the Sabbath was there from the very beginning.

Matthew 6:9-10 the Lord’s prayer…thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Are we going to be keeping Sabbath in the new heaven/earth?  Isa. 66:22-23, For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come and worship before me, saith the LORD. 

Luke 4:16 Jesus entered the synagogue on the sabbath day as his custom was. If this was his custom, what should be ours?  Acts 17:1-2, Paul kept the sabbath day.

Paul is a deep thinker and if you only surface read his epistle you may very well come to the wrong conclusion.  You MUST read Paul in context.  Even Peter said (2 Peter 3:16) Paul’s writings are hard to understand if you are an unlearned person. 

We are saved by grace through faith. So, we need to understand what faith is.  Romans 6:14, Paul says we are no longer under the law, but under grace.  What! Oh, you need to read verse 15 which says, “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. God forbid” This seems to imply that the law doesn’t apply to us at the surface, but Paul says in Romans 3:31, “Do we then make void the law through faith” God forbit: yea, we establish the law.”  Grace and law go hand in hand, they are inseparable.

Even Jesus kept the law. How can we not do what He did? Are we above Christ? God forbid. Is this a contradiction? How are we not under the law, but are to no longer sin? Sin is transgression of the law.  What did the Israelites do when they sinned or transgressed the law of God?   They had to perform the sacrificial laws…kill lambs that pointed to the shed blood of Christ.  In order for them to get right with God when they transgressed, they had to perform the law…the sacrificial ceremonies. Since Christ died for us, the sacrificial law, we are no longer under the sacrificial commandments.  Because we are under grace if we transgress the law (10 commandments).

Some people say that ‘grace’ is only found in the NT.  A search will tell you otherwise. Jacob and Moses found grace in the sight of the Lord; and even Noah was saved by grace in the sight of the Lord.  Titus 2:11-12 tells us grace has appeared to all men.  People of all time have been saved by grace.  Grace is also NOT a license to sin. Grace teaches us that we are to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;”

We need to understand how the law plays a role in our salvation.  It is not that the law saves us for it has no power to save.  Disobedience to the law does not save for it has no fruits; whereas obedience develops good character and good fruit…we obey BECAUSE WE ARE SAVED.

Hebrews 8:10, “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:”  Remember, anyone who accepts Christ is a Jew…we are grafted in as spiritual Israel. 

Jeremiah 21:21-22…I will put my law in their inward parts and write them in their hearts.  The difference between the old and new covenant is the location of the law.  In the OT the people memorized it and passed it from generation to generation, but in the new God writes it in our heart/mind…it becomes a part of our actual being…no longer separate from us on two tablets of stone.  The Holy Spirit effectuates it in our heart/mind.

Two greatest commandments are to love the Lord your God with all your heart the other love others as yourself. This love is representative of all 10 commandments.  This is the new agreement, that we will be submissive to love.

The cross is the central theme of Christianity, it is literally the main story we focus on as to it is how we have salvation.  However, let us not forget that while the cross is very important it is our disobedience to the law that put Jesus on the cross. If God’s laws could have been changed, then Jesus Christ would need not to have died.

Col. 2:16-17:  Many will say this tells us that the sabbath was a shadow of things.  This understanding is garnered from a surface reading.  If read in context then a correct understanding emerges.  Verse 12, Paul talks about Jesus forgiving us of our sins.  Paul uses a metaphor to show that if we believe in Christ, we have the promise we will also rise with him if we are buried with him in baptism.  Verse 13, here Paul is describing our current condition.  Verse 14, ‘handwriting of ordinances that are against us and contrary to us’ is a key phrase. Is this speaking of the 10 commandments? James 2:12 says we will be judge according to whether we kept those commandments or not.  Deut. 10:12-13 the LORD thy God requires us to fear him (reverence), love him, serve him with all our heart and soul, keep the commandments and statutes for our good.  So, the commandments were to be for our own benefit.  The sinner will look at the restrictions of the law and say my freedom is being taken away, when in actuality the commandments are there to protect our liberty as James wrote about it.  This sense of restriction is what happened to Lucifer.  I don’t need your laws, but this is an inverted view.  And, if we look at the world, we see what lawlessness has done. The 10 commandments are a barrier to protect us and keep us safe.  Back to verse 14, ‘the blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that are against us’ – we know this is not the 10 commandments…so what is it?  Paul is saying whatever is against us is what Jesus is nailing to the cross. Isa. 59:12 tells us it is our sin that is against us, so Jesus takes our sins and nails it to the cross…this is what He blotted out.  Our sins testified against us – think of it in the reverse, those who reject Jesus does not have this blotting/nailing, so they stand condemned upon the 10 commandments – they are naked for they do not have his robe of righteousness that covers.  Not only are our sins a testimony against us, we also have the handwriting of ordinances that are against us. The ordinances are not the 10 commandments, for He wrote the 10 commandments with his own finger.   Deut. 31:26 the book of the law is against us (handwriting of ordinances), which was written by Moses. Ex 31:18 & Ex. 25:16 the bible tells us that the 10 commandments were written by the finger of God (not by the hand of Moses) AND the book of the law was placed beside the ark where God’s law was placed inside the ark.  The ‘book of the law’ and ‘handwriting of ordinances’ are the same.

Ex 12, 13, & 15; Lev. 18 & 22; Numbers 9, 10, 15, 18, 19 & 31; are all talking about the ordinances which are mainly centered around sacrifices. And, the feast days which are also called sabbaths. None of these are written on the two tablets of stone (10C).

Now Col. 2:15-17 “sabbath days” is plural – these things listed are referred to as shadows of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Looking at this afresh, we can see Paul is referencing the old Levitical writings specifically chapter 23:3-4 and then it goes on to make a list of all the feast days which are called sabbaths.  God makes a point to say that the 7th day is His sabbath (v.3-4), and then lists the feast days sabbaths (following verses).  SO, ‘holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days’ is a reference by Paul to either the feast days or meat/drink offerings.  These were shadows (Heb. 10:1) – these ceremonial acts pointed to Christ who was the answer to sin. The sacrificial system (ceremonial) pointed to Jesus who was the answer to sin.  With this knowledge, going back to Eden when Sabbath was instituted how can we call it a shadow when sin had not occurred yet in the Garden.  One cannot then say that the 7th day Sabbath was a shadow to sacrifice which is an answer to sin.

When Jesus died on the cross, at the temple where the sacrifices where performed, the veil ripped from top to bottom signifying the sacrifices made on the holy days / feast days where no longer valid. Why? The anti-type (Jesus) came and took the place of the type (Ceremonies). All the animals that were figures were no longer valid.

Now when we look at Col 2 in context, we can see truly what Paul is talking about.  Paul is reemphasizing the sacrifice of Jesus and what it means to the Jewish economy and what it means to all of us.  He is using Jesus’ cross as a metaphor, replacing our sins with His cross; and when He died on the cross and said ‘it is finished’ He paid the price of all our sins.  That is what Col 2 actually means.

Many Recognize The Lord’s Day as Sunday – Keep Sunday Because of the Resurrection

Sunday has come to be known as “The Lord’s Day”, and that is an assumption.  If you are asking if Sunday is biblically ‘The Lord’s Day’, then the answer is ‘no’.  Revelation 1:10, John the Revelator, said he was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.  This is the only place in the Bible where that exact phrase is mentioned…the Lord’s day.  Jesus himself said that he was Lord of the sabbath (Mark 2:27-28, Matt. 12:8). So, if Jesus calls himself ‘Lord of the sabbath’ and he is speaking of the seventh-day – then the logical conclusion would be that ‘the Lord’s day’ is the sabbath.  Isaiah 58:13, If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD…”  This is the LORD speaking, and he says the LORD’S day is the sabbath…he also says it is his holy day.  God said there are seven days that he created, six days you are to do your work and such; but the seventh-day is My day.

Some will say that Sunday is kept in honor of the resurrection. However, there is no record in the bible of transference of that in scripture.  You cannot find any scriptural authority in all of the 66 books of God’s word to solidify the statement that Sunday is the Lord’s day because Christ resurrected on that day.  In fact, Romans 6:4 tells us we are buried with him in baptism, that like Christ who is resurrected from the dead – even so we also should walk in the newness of life.  So, biblically we are to honor the resurrection through baptism, not by changing God’s perfect law.  When people say they keep Sunday for this reason, we have to keep that the God says in Malachi 3:6 “For I am the LORD, I change not…” and Psalms 89:34 God tells us he will not break or alter the thing that is gone out from his lips.  This means that He is not going to change what he has told us.  It is clear if we are truly honest with ourself.

Another Reason used: After the Resurrection no Mention of Sabbath AND the Apostles Meet on the First Day of the Week

In the NT we find 8 bible verses that refer to the first day of the week AND there is no reference to it as the ‘Lord’s Day” nor the new sabbath.  The verses have nothing to do with the hours of the crucifixion or the resurrection.

                John 20:19 ‘in the evening – first day’, remember that the 24-hour day cycle begins at evening (see Genesis 1). So, this would have been what we call Saturday evening.  The apostles were assembled because they were afraid that the Jews might do to them what was done to Jesus.  They did not even know that he had resurrected at this point.

                Acts 20:7 The assumption is made that this is a religious meeting because they broke bread and Paul preached.  The term ‘breaking bread’ simply means they were having an evening meal on sabbath – this was not communion.  Paul then preached until midnight, which at sunset would have begun the first day of the week.  Paul was getting ready to depart and it seems that they were having a get together for him.  Just because they met, had a meal, and bible study does not imply that they changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.  Remember in Daniel 8:6, when a king makes a law and signs it, it cannot be changed. Ester 8:8 when a law is written in a king’s name and sealed with his ring – it cannot be reversed.  Now, even if a king would not reverse his own law, what would make us think that God would do that – especially when he has told us he does not change (Heb. 13:8).

                1 Cor. 16:1-2 collection for the saints. In no way do this say that there is a religious service.  It simply is talking about Paul will be coming into town and he will be in a hurry to get to the next town. These Christians were helping other Christians who were less fortunate, so they were gathering clothes, supplies, or whatever so as Paul came through he could take it with him to give.

                Even looking at the other five references to the first day of the week, there is no mention of a religious service and transference of the solemnity of sabbath to Sunday.

However, Acts 13 & 17 there are references to sabbath keeping.  Acts 18:4 “And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.”  So not only was Paul keeping the sabbath, but he was also encouraging the Jews AND Gentiles to keep the sabbath.  If one would do some responsible research one would find that Paul held services on the sabbath 84 times in the book of Acts alone.  Look at the verses – ‘every sabbath’ – and then consider the length of time he was in these difference locations. Verse 11 says he continued there year and six months. This is 21 years after the crucifixion that they were still keeping the sabbath.  Acts 15:21 reference to ‘every sabbath’.

Matthew 24:20, Jesus is telling them to pray that their flight will not be in the winter, neither on the sabbath day.  This reference was to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans which would come in 70 AD.

Jesus Broke the Sabbath (picking grain, healing)

Jesus reminded the Pharisee’s that sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath: therefore the Son of man is Lord of the sabbath (Mark 2:27-28).  In verse 12, Jesus goes on to tell them that it is well to do good on the sabbath.  It was to be a joy.  The work was to reconcile people to Jesus.  John 5:16-17 Jesus just healed a man who was infirm for 38 years waiting for his divine appointment with Jesus.  The Pharisee’s accused him of working…this was not corporate work but reconciling work which is in the boundaries of sabbath keeping.  Jewish tradition said that you could not take up your bed and walk…but this had nothing to do with sabbath breaking…it had to do with tradition breaking and Jesus ignored their tradition. Jesus gave an example of a sheep falling into a pit on the sabbath and he asked the Jews if they would get it and of course they would.  Jesus then said how much better is man than a sheep therefore it is lawful to do good on the sabbath days (Matt. 12:12).

John 3:4 says sin is transgression of the law.  If Jesus broke his own law which was written by his own finger, then by definition Jesus would be a sinner. Then, he could not have been a perfect sacrifice and we are all lost.  As we know, He did not break the law and he was not a sinner.  Therefore we can only believe that the 10 commandments are still valid and in effect.

The Day doesn’t Matter – Really

Romans 14:5-6 people will say this verse means ‘you can observe your day’ and ‘I will observe my day’ and let us each be persuaded in our own minds.   They put this verse in context as if it is referring to worship service or the Lord’s day and nothing could be farther from the truth. The sabbath is never mentioned in this text. Romans 1 sets the stage for what is being talked about in verse five.  This is talking about reviving one that is weak in the faith, but don’t receive them over doubtful disputes.  This is not referring to the sabbath because it is not a doubtful dispute for it was written by Jesus’ finger in stone.  The Jewish nor Gentile culture was debating this as an issue in their time. In verse two it describes what the issue was about…fasting.  In their day, when one would fast, they would eat just enough to sustain their energy and would abstain from all the delicacies. Verse 3, makes it abundantly clear they are talking about fasting…not to judge over it. Verse 4, goes on to say don’t judge for God accepts both.   This is why context is so important if we are going to be intelliectually honest with God’s word. These scriptures are talking about days that they would fast or feast, and about not judging one another over it.  Luke 18:12 you have a publican boasting about his fasting and tithing…this was the concern of the text.

Jesus is My Sabbath argument

Matthew 11:28 Jesus gives us rest. Some will manipulate this into Jesus is my sabbath.  The sabbath is for the Jews and now in the NT, Jesus is my rest, my sabbath.  Jesus giving us rest, does not mean that Jesus was saying you can disobey my commandments.  If it were true that Jesus was our sabbath rest, then we would need to work every day rather than six days.  This would make resting a sin.  Some will also tie this to Hebrews 4:1 which talks about entering into God’s rest.  What is His rest? Fortunately, Hebrew 4 goes on to explain it so we don’t have to guess.  Verse 4, the rest is in the seventh-day where He spake of it in a certain place.  What was that place? Genesis 2.  This is not talking about Jesus replacing the sabbath, but making a reference to creation.  Verses 8-9, tells us there is not another day because Jesus already gave them a day of rest (it remains, not replaced). Verse 10, again referring back to Genesis when God enter his rest on the seventh-day.  This is indisputable.

Prophecy tells us that the little horn power will seek to change ‘times and laws’

Daniel 7:25 most scholars and theologians would say the ‘little horn’ power is the anti-Christ figure that thinks to change times and laws.  What law in the Bible has to do with time?  There is only one, the sabbath.  Ex. 20:8-11…remember, the sabbath day to keep it holy…  When you fast forward in history, there is a time when the sabbath was changed during the dark ages by Constantine the Great (321 AD), he wanted to keep peace between the pagans (Sun god worshippers – Sunday) and Christians (sabbath keepers), and to have unity between the two. He had a vision or dream where he saw the cross in the sky illuminated by the sun and he took that vision as a sign to unite paganism and Christianity together. So, the first civil law regarding Sunday keeping was by Constantine.  Moving forward, with that we see that it begins to fulfill bible prophecy.  About 40 years later, the church adopted it and it became a way of life.  In 325AD, Sylvester Bishop of Rome (Pope) changed the title of the Lord’s Day claiming that the Lord’s Day is now Sunday.  You can read that in Historia Ecclesiastica Council of the Church, Council of Laodicia.  There is a lot that took place in that time period that was prophesized in the Bible.  In depth bible study reveals that this changed was not based upon the authority of God…it was the little horn of Daniel 7 who was an enemy of God…and thought he could defy God by changing his law; which was prophesized in Daniel 7 and other books of the bible. In fact, the ‘little horn’ blatantly states it is by their authority that they changed the solemnity of the sabbath to Sunday. It is their mark.

Woman with 10 Coins – Parable

Woman in the bible (Jer. 6:2 2 Cor. 11:2) is symbolic of a church (woman, bride).  There is a pure woman (God’s church) and harlot or impure woman (apostate church).  There are people with spiritual truth and there is those drunk on the wine of Babylon (false doctrine).

Luke 15:8-9 This woman had 10 coins. Ps. 119:72 law is called as more precious than silver or gold, so the coin is representative of the law.  This woman lost one coin, when it was dark (representative of the Dark Ages).  How does she find it? She lights a candle.  Ps. 119:05 tells us thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.  This represents the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.  As those reformers uncovered lost truths, this lost coin was one of them.  We need to light our lamps.  When the woman finds her coin and then goes and tells other about it. So are we called to do the same. Context is important.

End Times

The sabbath plays a vital role in the last days of earth’s history like no other time before it. The sabbath, unlike the other nine commandments, seems like the one people set aside as optional, they have no issue with the other nine.  But James says if you break one, you break them all.  The 10 commandments are one law in totality representing God’s character. In the end times, we have the three angels proclaiming the gospel (Rev. 14:6-7). This is a reflection or reference to the fourth commandment (Ex. 20:11).  We can clearly see, in the end times, there will be a call to worship the God who created the heaven, earth, sea, and all that is in them.  Keeping the fourth commandment is the only way to worship the God who created the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all that in them is.  If you think about it, there is no way to acknowledge the One who created everything EXCEPT for the sabbath.

                We cannot commit adultery, but non-believers can do that and not acknowledge the Creator of the Universe.

                We cannot kill, but Bhudist can do that, and not acknowledge the Creator of the Universe.

                We cannot use God’s name in vain, Muslims can do that too without acknowledging the Creator of the Universe.

When we keep the sabbath, then the question must be answered, how do you keep the sabbath.  Exodus 20:8-11 tells us how.    The sabbath commandment is the only commandment, when it is kept, is the acknowledgement of the One who created the heaven, earth, sea, and all that is in them.  Rev. 12:17, “And the dragon (Satan) was wroth with the woman (God’s church/body of Christ), and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”  The bible tells us specifically who the dragon is attacking, it is not ones who are not keeping God’s commandments, but the ones who are. See Rev. 14:12.  Revelation 22:14, Blessed is he who does His commandments, they may have the right to the tree of life and enter in through the gates of the city. Keeping the commandments do save you, one keeps the commandments because they have been saved.

When God created the world, to keep man in that joyful bliss and happiness He gave us two things, marriage and the sabbath.  John 14:15 Jesus says if you love me, keep my commandments. The motivation of keeping His commandments is not for salvation, but because of love and devotion to God.

Some will say that we have two commandments now, love God and love your neighbor…that’s it.  But, Romans 13:10 tells us that love is the fulfillment of the law. Notice that the 10 commandments were written on two tablets of stone, the first one references the commandments dealing directly with God / our love for God (1-4), the second deals with our interactions with our neighbors or others / our love for others (5-10).  Sabbath is our date with God, a sacred time to build our relationship. We behold him and we become changed to reflect His character.  Keeping the sabbath is to acknowledge that you know God and God knows you, and we honor Him as Creator and Redeemer. This does not mean that we cannot study the Bible or pray any other day of the week, we are talking about keep a special day that He set aside to be with Him.

Biblically the reason why God’s people keep the sabbath, is to acknowledge He is the One true God who created everything in six days. Keeping another day, really is saying, that we do not acknowledge Him as our Creator.  Carefully read Exodus 20:8-11.

The sabbath gets at the heart of the issue.  Jesus wants a relationship with us and has given us this time to build that relationship.  We can take this time and fellowship together in corporate worship, we can praise him in song, speak to him in prayer, learn more of him through reading scripture, walk through nature and be awed by his majesty. God said he will place a special sign or mark upon those that keep the sabbath to show that we are His.  We keep the sabbath because we love Him, for He saved me by His grace, and keeping the sabbath demonstrates my love and honor for Him, and my allegiance to Him.

Isaiah 66 – we will keep sabbath in the new heaven and new earth. Logical question, why would God have the Sabbath kept by only the Jews, the remainder of humanity not required to do so, but then all that are saved and live in the new heaven and new earth will keep the Sabbath? The simple answer is God would not.

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2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”   AND  1 Thessalonians 5:21, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”