Recap of Daniel, Part 1

We will review events that include application to the; literal, life of Jesus, prophecy or patterns, and the king of the north activities:

Daniel 1 – Set Before the King’s Table

Literal. Nebuchadnezzar has captured Jerusalem completely. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego have been taken into the king’s palace because of their wisdom and stature. The king’s table is set before them which has food (unclean) and drink (fermented wine) which Daniel and his companions will not eat and they ask for a plan- based diet. The result is that they are ten times healthier, physically and mentally, than the others that ate the delicacies from the king’s table.

Life of Jesus. Satan temps Jesus to eat by turning stones into bread. First temptation of Christ.

Prophecy or Pattern. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are set before the king’s court and receive a Babylonian education. They are mandated to drink the ‘wine of Babylon’ which is symbolism for false doctrine. See: (Jer. 51:7; Rev. 14:8, 18:3). In the end of time, God’s people will come under attack because they keep the law of God and refuse false doctrine (the wine of Babylon).

King of the North Concept. King of the south (KOS) pushes against the king of the north (KON). The king of the north fight back with chariots and horses and overcomes the king of the south. Then the king of the north turns his attention to Jerusalem and seeks to enforce the wine of Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar (KON) battles with Egypt (KOS) and defeats them. Then turns to Jerusalem and takes God’s people captive and mandates a Babylonian education to the captives. The king sets before them delicacies from his table and enters them into Babylonian education which is pagan (wine of Babylon).

Daniel 2 – Nebuchadnezzar’s First Dream – An Image

Literal. King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream. He cannot remember the dream and calls for his wisemen. They are unable to tell him what it was that he dreamed. Nebuchadnezzar feels hoodwinked and sends out a death decree upon all wisemen.

Daniel was sought out to be put to death, and Daniel requests to go before the king. He asks the king for time to pray to the God of heaven who will provide an answer. Nebuchadnezzar granted Daniel’s request. All four of the Hebrew boys prayed about the matter before them and went to bed.

God answered Daniel’s prayer, giving him not only the dream and the interpretation thereof; but also, told Daniel what Nebuchadnezzar was thinking about before he went to bed.  Daniel goes before the king and tells him that God provided him with the dream and its interpretation. Daniel tells the king what he was thinking about before he went to bed, and delivered the dream and its interpretation to him.

Daniel gives all the glory to God, and God alone. Nebuchadnezzar responds by recognizing the power of Daniel’s God, and places God above his gods. So, Nebuchadnezzar is still holding on to his gods, and just adding Daniel’s God to the mix as supreme. Daniel was made a great man and was appointed ruler over the whole province of Babylon and was made chief of the governors over all the wise men. Daniel requested that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego be set over the affairs of the province, and Daniel request to be sat in the gate of the king. To sit in the king’s gate meant to be in a position where he would meet with other leaders, have the authority to make decisions and make judgement concerning the people. Although God allowed his people to be taken captive because of their rebellion, He worked it out where He had four trustworthy individuals in high places within Babylon that would see to their safe keeping while in captivity.

Life of Jesus. Satan compels Jesus to throw himself down ‘for surely you will not dash your foot against a stone’. Second temptation of Christ

Prophecy or Pattern. God through Daniel provides the prophetic picture of Babylon’s fall, the three successors, the division of the fourth kingdom, and the Rock that comes and destroys the kingdoms of men during the time of the iron feet that is mixed with miry clay.

King of the North Concept. The king of the north hears tidings from the north and east that troubles him, and sets up his image.

Nebuchadnezzar does not like the prophecy of the successive kingdoms, but especially bothersome is the Rock cut without hands that smashes the image upon the feet causing it to crumble to pieces; then filling the whole earth with His kingdom. So, Nebuchadnezzar sets up his own image.

Daniel 3 –  Nebuchadnezzar’s Image of Gold and the Fiery Furnace

Literal. Nebuchadnezzar decides to set up his own image and makes it of pure gold. He does this in the face of the God of heaven, as if he was intending to divert the prophecy of God. Nebuchadnezzar attempt was to demonstrate to the Babylonian’s, the captives, and God himself that his kingdom would last forever.  So, the image is erected and all are called to worship before it under the threat of death, if the knee is bent showing allegiance then life is spared and life continues on in the kingdom; if not death is certain.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bend the knee. Nebuchadnezzar goes into a rage and orders the furnace to be heated seven times hotter and has the three young men thrown in. To Nebuchadnezzar surprise, he sees four in the furnace, and the fourth is like the Son of God. He goes to call them out of the furnace and is astonished that the three young Hebrews came out of the furnace unharmed. The only items that burned was the rope that bound them.

This experience was a witness of God’s power before the leadership of Babylon and its people and encouragement for those in captivity. God is in control, even when it does not look like it. The fiery trials in life is meant to burn off those things that bind us, the fire burns off the dross so we become like pure refined gold. This is what sanctification does, and it prepares us to stand before the Fire and not be consumed. God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:27-29).

Again, Nebuchadnezzar intellectually acknowledge the God of the Hebrews and made a decree that anyone who speaks against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would be cut into pieces. The three Hebrews received a promotion within the province of Babylon. This event also served as a message to God’s people that He is with them and still in control. Although they remained in captivity, He was telling them he would be with them during their appointed time of bondage.

Life of Jesus. Satan tells Christ to bow down and worship him and he will give him the kingdoms of the world. Third temptation of Christ.

Prophecy or Pattern. In the end time scenario, there will be a call to worship an imposter who is Satan himself who parades upon earth as Jesus; however, Satan will have his own day of worship, which is not the biblical Sabbath.

King of the North Concept. The king of the north goes after them with fury for he seeks to destroy them.

Nebuchadnezzar demands worship and those that do not bow the knee sends him into a rage and he seeks to destroy them in a fiery furnace.