The Serpent, the Woman and the Seed

Every story of Genesis is not only a book of origins and history, every story is also a prophecy. These prophetic stories are about Jesus and his first coming, but they are also prophetic events that surround His second coming. In other words, Genesis is literal history but also prophecy written as history. Beyond historical events, they become symbolic or representative about future worldwide events that will befall upon those living right before Christ returns.

Genesis 3 is the first example. In Genesis 3:15 God is speaking to the serpent (Satan), “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” There are four elements spoke of here: enmity, serpent, woman, and seeds. It describes enmity between:

  1. serpent and the woman Satan and God’s church
  2. serpent seed and the woman’s seed Satan’s followers (unsaved) and God’s followers (saved)
  3. woman’s seed and the serpent Jesus Christ and Satan

Imagine the story: As the seed of the woman raises His foot, the serpent strikes His heel – though it is a painful strike it is one the the woman’s seed recovers from (rose from the dead on the 3rd day), BUT the crushing blow to the serpents head by the foot of the woman’s seed (Christ) is a deadly blow which there is no recovery.

Satan fully understood what was going to happen to him. He was judged and given his sentence, eternal death would for sure be his end.

As we will discover throughout Genesis, the conflict unfolds. We will come to understand that at every turn Satan attempts to get rid of the seed in hopes that he can stop the Messiah from coming. And once the Messiah came, died, and rose on the third day – Satan then turned his attack on the woman (God’s church) through his seed (those that are under his influence). One cannot understand end-time prophecy unless there is an understanding of the issues in Genesis 3:15.

Here are some examples of the conflict recorded in Genesis 3:15. As we journey through Genesis we will study more in detail.

Genesis 1-2 – Describes the Garden of Eden as having rivers of living waters flowing through it and there among them is the tree of life. Revelation 21-22 also has a river of living water with the tree of life restored. In Genesis, the original Garden of Eden was lost because of sin, then in the middle of the Bible you have the story of how God acts to redeem that which is lost, and finally in Revelation 21-22 is the restoration of the original Garden of Eden.

Genesis 4 we find Cain and Abel. It helps one to understand Revelation 16 and the Battle of Armageddon. The issues that revolve around Cain and Abel are issues of obedience and worship. Abel loved God, followed Him, and surrendered to His sovereignty. Cain (who was of that wicked one – 1 Jn. 3:12) slew Abel. Why did Satan move Cain to murder his brother? Satan knew that he had Cain, but not Abel. Abel then could be a seed that leads to the Messiah, so he must go. Eve has another seed – Seth who became a seed that led to the Messiah (Gen. 4:25). In Revelation, there is a complete separation of people into one of two groups and it is these same issues that separate the world. In Genesis you have two individuals, but in the end of time it has proliferated into two groups those who keep the commandments of God AND have the testimony of Jesus (Revelation 12, 14, 22) and those who do not.

Genesis 6-9 is the account of Noah and the Flood. In Genesis 6:1-2, we are told that “the sons of God took the daughters of men”. There are some who preach that angels had children with the daughters of men. A close examination of the Word will clearly define that these are not angels, but godly men who took for themselves ungodly women. Looking at context, backing up to chapter four we find the genealogy of Cain (son of the wicked one-1 Jn. 3:11-12) and the chapter also mentions three women (Cain’s wife, Adah, Zillah). Moving forward to chapter five Seth’s genealogy is listed (genealogy of the righteous). Chapter six then is rightly understood, as the sons of God and the daughters of men are referencing the marriages between the seed of Cain (serpent’s seed) and the seed of the woman.

A quick snapshot of that time reveals 1,656 year transpired between Creation and the Flood, an there was no scaricity of natural resources (that came from flood), and men and women lived hundreds of years. We don’t know what the population of the earth was, but think of how many children could be born to parents that were able to live hundreds of years. Genesis tells us the whole earth was filled with violence, so out of the millions of people only eight remaind faithful to God. The Bible says that only one was righteous in the eyes of God and that was Noah. If God would have not brought judgment on the wickedness of the entire world, God would not have succeeding in preserving a seed and humanity would have had no hope. Understanding God’s actions in the right light helps us to better see His mercy and love towards us.

You see, the devil has two plans to maintain his rulership of this planet. Plan one, he tries to kill the seed. The Bible chronicals this well. Plan two, he orchestrates the intermingling of the two seeds so that the genealogy of the righteous would lose their identity and in losing their identity there could be no promised seed coming from that lineage. We find the Devil using these two methods throught the Bible.

This intermingling created corruption and moral decay among God’s people. It is a story of saddness because the world became so wicked that man was evil continually. The evil in mans heart was connect to the sorrow of God’s greif. We are told that the time of the end will be like what it was in the days of Noah (Matt. 24:37-39). It will be the same wickedness, the destruction will be similar in that it will be worldwide, and whole patterns of sequential events will be fulfilled in the exact way they took place in the Old Testament.

Genesis 10 is chronologically after chapter 11. Genesis 10:1 tells us the generations of Noah’s sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Verse five provides the summary for Japheth by stating that these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families in their nations. Next is listed the generation of Ham, which Nimrod came from who was mighty in the land and the builder of Babel. In verse 20 we find the summary these were the sons of Ham “after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations”. Finally we have Shem’s generation which it is said that the earth was divided between Peleg (means division) and Joktan. Again we see in verse 31 that these were the sons of Shem “after their families, after their tongues; in their lands, after their nations. And in verse 32 it says, “These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood”. Keep in mind that the Tower of Babel event occurred five generations after the flood

In chapter 10, God gives all the nations of the earth; and in chapter 11 He explains how those nations came to exist. As we read, chapter 10 tells us that Noah had three sons – Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Then in verses 20-32, we are given the nations, languages, and cultures of the world which came from these three sons. In chapter 11, we can identify that the holy line continues through Shem and more specifically Peleg. The other two sons of Noah (Japheth and Ham) continue the unholy lines. Here are some of the nations that came from Ham and Japheth: Magog, Medes (Madai), Greece (Javan), Tubal and Meshech, and Tiras (Tyre or Tarshish). The following nations are associated to Ham: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Canaanites, Philistine.. These nations tried to destroy Israel. The Devil is at work, and his wrath was not against Israel, but was against its Messiah to come. The Devil’s existence is at stake, so he attacks Israel as a way to keep the seed from coming. Since the cross, the Devil’s rage continues. Satan, the Devil, roams as a devouring lion to maintain his kingdom on earth, to distress the people of God, and to dishonor the name of Christ.

Genesis 11:4, about 100 years after the flood, their intentions was to establish what we would call today “a new world order”. Centered in their capitol, they began to build a tower which would unite all humanity in rebellion against God. And, when their plan failed – the name given to that place according to verse nine was Babel. Have you ever heard of Babel before? In the book of Revelation, the arch enemy of God’s people is called Babylon. Here you have the origin of Babylon. It is interesting, that the place where the Tower of Babel was built lived the family of a very well known man – his name was Abram (Abraham). Abraham lived in the very place of these tower builders who had the intention of building a society that would be in rebellion against God. In fact, the name of the leader in the building of this tower was Nimrod (his name means rebellion). It was a rebellious endeavor. Abraham lived in that area, in Ur of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was ancient Babylon. We read that Abraham and his family were starting to be defiled by the gods in that place (Joshua 24:2-3). Satan was doing his work at blending the seeds. But, God had plans for Abraham, and could not fulfill His plans for Abraham there in Babel, in Ur. So, God led Abraham to the land of Canaan. God actively preserving a seed.

Genesis 12:1,3 – what plans did God have? To bless all the nations of the earth. It was not Abram that would bring the blessing, it was his seed. It was the seed of Abraham that would bring the blessing to the world (Genesis 22:18). In Galatians 3:16, we are told specifically that this seed is Christ. In the story, it is obvious that the Devil at work. Abraham and Sarah was aged and many years had passed with no seed. The Devil working upon Sarah made the suggestion that Abraham take Haggai. The voice of that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, was speaking through Sarah. In fact, in her conversation with Abraham, she blames God for her bareness (Genesis 16:2) and we know that Abraham harkened to the voice of his wife. Sound familiar? Adam and Eve! Why is the birth of Ishmael important to understand? When Isaac was born, Ishmael wanted to destroy him (Gal. 4:29). So, the child “according to the flesh” (Ishmael) persecuted the child born “according to the spirit” (Isaac). Sound familiar? Remember, Cain and Abel? Yes, Satan used the same tactics.

Isaac and Ishmael. In addition in Galatians 4, Paul reference Isaac and Ishmael making it clear that they represent two kinds of people those who live according the flesh (Ishmael of Hagar, the bondwoman) and those who live by the spirit (Isaac of Sarah, the freewoman). These two sons of Abraham represent two different kinds of characters that live in the end of time. Also, this story is a description of the origin of conflict that exist between Israel and Palestine down through history to today…this conflict goes clear back to Abraham.

Genesis 12-13 is the story of Abraham being called out of the place where the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11) was built, Shinar (Babel, Babylon). In Revelation 18, God’s people are called out of spiritual Babylon. He does not want them to participate in their sin and receive of their plagues, a parallel which will be studied in depth.

Sodom and Gomorrah. No only was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed for its debased sexual immorality, Jesus said that it was also a prophecy (Luke 17:28-32) They ate, drank, bought, and built; and when Lot went out it rained fire and brimstone. So it will be in the days when the Son of Man is revealed. These people were so wrapped up in themselves there was no room for God. Their focus was totally for their own pleasure. Sexual immorality was king, and we know this is one of the many vices that Satan uses to entrap people. Also, God sent three angels with a warning, in fact, Lot, his wife, and two daughters were led out prior to the destruction. In Revelation 14:6-12, God give a “three angel message” to the world providing the same warning prior to His judgment upon wickedness. Interesting, the destruction of sin and wickedness is with “fire and brimstone” (2 Pe. 3:3-17). Only then, will the earth will be made new for the former will have passed away (Isa. 65:17, Rev. 21:1).

Abraham and Isaac at Mt. Moriah. The entire experience of Abraham taking Isaac to Mt. Moriah was a lesson so profound that it could not be misunderstood. Abraham was provided a ram (a male lamb), and offers the lamb in place of his son. It could not be more clear, God would send His Son to be the Messiah. He sent the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. This was athe seed promised, Christ our Messiah.

Jacobs ladder, really it’s the Lords ladder. There is a ladder planted on earth and angels are ascending and descending on it. The ladder represents Christ, the bottom is his humanity (oneness with us) and the top is his Deity or divinity (the only one who bridges heaven and earth). See: John 1:51. This is was the purpose of the seed, to provide a way for mankind to be saved and reconciled to God.

Jacob and Esau. At the end of the story Jacob returns to home. He is told that Esau is coming to destroy him. Jacob goes through a time of trouble, he has anxiety and fears of being destroyed. The Bible tells us before Christ returns, people at the end of time will go through a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time (Dan. 12:1). The great news is that God’s people will be delivered. Esau the seed of serpent, sold his birthright, and took daughters of Canaan. Esau hated his brother Jacob and said in his heart that he will kill Jacob (Gen 27:41). From one of the twelve sons of Jacob would come the promised seed. It was through Judah.

Joseph is betrayed and sold by his brothers for a few pieces of silver. Christ is betrayed and sold for 30 pieces of silver by one of his disciples. Joseph suffered many injustices. He refused to comit adultry and ended up in prison, but he knew God had a plan. Joseph became the Prime Minister of Egypt and God revealed to him the famine that was to come. Joseph was given the knowledge or plan if you will, to store grain for such a time of trouble. Joseph eventually reveals himsel to his brothers (Gen 45:4-7). God used Joseph to preserve life. God sent Joseph to preserve a prosterity. The Devil caused the famine to starve God’s people to death, he wanted to kill the seed so the Messiah would not be able to come. All of these events reveal the plot behind history. The Serpent is trying to keep the seed from coming, and keep his head from being crushed.

God told Abraham before hand that his people are going to be taken to a certain land (Egypt) but He will bring them out to Canaan (Gen. 15:13-14). God promised Abram and his seed the land of Canaan. God gave Canaan and his seed the land for God had plans that the Messiah was to be born in Canaan, Bethlehem in Judea which was the land of Canaan.

In Ezekiel 29:3, Pharaoh is called the great dragon (reference to Satan), so it is understood that Satan was behind Pharaoh. This makes Pharaoh the serpent’s seed. As we know, God prevailed and His people exited Egypt. Once Israel arrived at the boarders of the promised land, spies were sent to scope out the land. Satan was there, creating fear and instilling those thoughts which resulted in a report to not enter the promised land – because of this unwillingness to trust God and enter the land, they wandered 40 years in the wilderness (Numbers 25) ending up in Shittim. Then, before they are ready to go into the Promised Land – Balaam (a pagan diviner) is invited by King Balak to curse Israel. King Balak promises Balaam a handsome amount of money to curse Israel. Balaam is on his way to curse them when we have the donkey incident (Numbers 22:21-29). Balaam is unable to curse Israel, but instead blessings flow from his lips. He is unable to curse that which God has blessed. King Balak is angry. Balaam tells King Balak they way to destroy Israel is to corrupt them from the inside by enticing them with the women from Moab and Midian. It worked, the sons of God intermingled with these idolatrous women (Numbers 31:16). The apostacy became so debased, that God sent a plague and 24,000 men perished. Over and over we read of this cosmic conflict.

David was a target of Satan, for Satan knew the that David’s seed was part of the lineage that led to the Messiah. That old serpent knew the promise made to David. Twice while David was playing the harp for Saul, Saul hurled a spear towards him (1 Sam. 18:11). David was to rely on God for all the victories against Israel’s enemies. Unfortunately, he was enticed to number Israel (1 Chron. 21:1, 2 Sam. 24:1). Satan wanted David to be destroyed. God gave David a choice of judgment and David chose the plague which killed 70,000 men from the tribe of Dan. Satan continued with his attacks against David. Remember Bethsheba? David should have been out to war, but was idle. David again encounters temptation. David arose from his bed and walked on the roof. He saw a woman bathing. His sin came when he continued to watch her and lusted after her beauty. David makes an inquiry about the woman and is told she is “the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite”. David embraces the temptation and sent messengers, and took her; and she came to him, and he lay with her. Bathsheba tells David she is pregnant. David sends for Uriah and basically tells him to go home for a break so to speak. But, Uriah ends up sleeping at the door of the king. When Uriah is questioned, he tells David he did not go home for the other soldiers were in the fields in tents. So, David’s attempt to cover up his sin failed. David sends Uriah David wrote a letter to Joab and told Joab to set Uriah in the forefront of the battle. Uriah was killed. David married Bathsheba. Their child when born died. However, David does not try to hide his sin from God – but confesses (2 Sam. 11, Ps. 32). The punishment for adultery was stoning, Satan was doing his best to destroy David…not because of David but to destroy the seed. All of the Old Testament must be seen in this framework to truly understand the conflict before us.

God did not destroy David, but much sorrow came to David because of his sins (an unwanted pregnancy, the murder of a trusted friend, a dead baby, daughter raped by his son, one son murdered by another son, civil war led by one of his sons, and a son who imitates David’s lack of self-control, leading him and much of Israel away from God). We too suffer the consequences of our sin, but we too can be forgiven and numbered among the saints. Praise God.

Solomon was the wisest man in earth and was also the most foolish man. As a young man he went astry and had many wives from the pagan nations surrounding Israel. Satan using one of his methods blended or intermingled those of God with those that were not. The hope was for Solomon to lose the identity from which the seed would come.

Throughout the Bible we see Israel mixing with the nations. Satan was at work. God brought judgment to Israel for their idolatry and sexual immorality by allowing them to be attacked, taken into bondage, their city besieged and even destroyed. In Deuteronomy 28, God foretold this would be the fate of Israel, however, God preserved a seed.

Story of Esther 3:13. Haman, who hated the Jews, prepared a plot to destroy them all in a certain day. Of course, we know what happened. Haman was not successful in his plan, in fact it was to his own demise. The Old Testament is “seed” centered, not Israel centered. It is vital that we understand this.

Ezra 9:2 We see this mixing or intermingling again. Continual attempts by Satan to keep the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 from being fulfilled.

When the fulness of time came, God sent His Son (seed). See: Galatians 4:4, Matthew 1:1. In Genesis 11 lists the genealogy from Shem to Abraham. In Matthew 1 lists the genealogy from Abraham to Christ. After that there are no more genealogies. There was no need for the holy line had been traced and fulfilled (the Son of God coming in the flesh of Christ). Paul said no more genealogy is needed after that (1 Tim. 1:4, Titus 3:9).

Jesus is born. What does the devil try to do now (Rev. 12:3)? Again, we have the “seed” scenario. There is a woman, seed of the woman, the dragon (Satan, that old serpent), and enmity. Here is Genesis 3:15. In Revelation 12:5, we have the man child ruling the nations with a rod of iron and then he is caught up to God. Satan again was unsuccessful.

Jesus credits His life to our account. He fulfilled the promises of Genesis 3:15, however, the story does end at his ascension. The Old Testament church brought Jesus into the world. The New Testament church continues and it is persecuted by Satan. The Devil now goes after the woman (Rev. 12:13). Didn’t Genesis 3:15 says there was going to be enmity between the serpent and the woman? Yes it did. Here it is. This is why there was the savage persecution against the early church…the body of Christ. Again, in the middle ages many died at the hands of savages…the seed seeds (of the serpent).

We are the seed of Christ. How can that be? Galatian 3:27 tells us for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ”. Verse 29 says, “And if ye be Christ’s (refering to baptism), then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Satan hates the Church because it is the body of Christ. Revelation 12:17 tells us about the final persecution on the woman (church), “and the dragon (Satan) was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

As we journey through Genesis, we will experience God’s revelation of the conflict that has engulfed His creation clear up to the climax of Him putting an end to evil, at His glorious Second Coming. Are you ready to meet your Lord and Savior? It is a guarantee that He is coming again, and He brings His reward with Him. Folks, there is no second chance – when He returns there is simply the saved (those belonging to Christ) and those who are not his (those belonging to Satan)…just two groups…just two generations of people. Which will you be a part of?