TWO Outcomes of the Flood

We paint this picture of Noah emerging from the ark with a rainbow overhead (God’s covenant sign) and happy animals surrounding him. But we must also remember that the execution of judgment that came had TWO outcomes.  The people inside the ark was a part of the “woman’s seed” and they were saved and those outside the ark was of the “serpent’s seed” and they were lost.  See post titled: The Serpent, The Woman, The Seed. 

There was one way into the ark, just as there is with Jesus.  We come to the foot of the cross, humble, with a repentant heart, confessing our sins, asking for forgiveness, and we are justified through the blood of Christ.  He is the ‘door’ to salvation, there is no other way.  The Holy Spirit work is to convict, guide, and bring us into truth.  The Holy Spirit, our Comforter who Jesus sent upon his ascension, provides us with the power to change and participates with us in our prayers.  We shed the “old man” and a new one in Christ emerges, this is sanctification, is it a process over time. All the while, we are heading towards glorification which is completed at Christ’s coming ‘in the twinkling of an eye’.

 We obey His commandments as a response to his gift of salvation; even then, He gives us the power to overcome.  The Bible is clear, that “we fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)”, so we are cloaked with His righteousness, for we remain a sinner until that great Day of the Lord.    It is His robe of righteousness that makes us presentable before the Father.  It is by Christ’s merits alone that we are saved, our only part is to “open the door as He knocks”.

Just as in Noah’s day, probation closed for humanity. Sadly, only eight heeded the call. In the last days they same type of scenario will play out. The world will be in total chaos, like is was in Noah’s day. The loud cry to humanity goes out, who will respond, who will get in the ark of safety (so to speak). Who will allow Christ to seal them with His robe of righteousness? This is our only hope, otherwise, we will be like all of those who refused to respond to the ‘loud cry’ in Noah’s day – and they were all lost. Beloved, consider the call.