The Meaning of “Day” in Genesis

The length of the “days” of creation in Genesis has involved a major controversy in Biblical interpretation among evangelicals for over 150 years. Many have sought to redefine the term in light of the naturalistic presuppositions of modern scientism. Therefore, let us attempt, honestly, to examine the evidence from Scripture.

scenery sign with the words "On an ordinary day..."

Does a Day in the Creation Account Mean a 24-Hour Ordinary Day?

It is extremely important that we allowed the Bible to define the word “day” as its intended use during the creation week. “Day” is used 2,301 times in the Old Testament. The Hebrew word is “yom” which mean “day”. Day can mean: time, daylight, hours, year, ordinary day, as well as some other meanings. CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT is important!

Creation Overview

Creation is the first lesson God wanted to teach us in Holy Scripture. It is important and is the foundation for morality. Creation tells us about God’s power, goodness, love, intelligence, and beauty.

picture of earth in space

In The Beginning… Restoration-Part 5 of 5

After the Fall, that close relationship between humanity and God was radically altered in many ways. It is abundantly clear, immediately after Adam and Eve opened humanity to the curse of sin, God promised reconciliation and restoration regarding the violation of His holy glory.

In The Beginning… Historical Narrative- Part 3 of 5

In the beginning…God said…Let there be…And it was…Very Good – Part 3 Brief Introduction to Historical Narratives God provides for us a historical narrative of:* origin*  governance*  action for self desire, and*  the plan for restoration In the most real sense, Genesis is foundational in explaining our world and understanding the situation we find ourselves …

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In The Beginning… Series Introduction – Part 1 of 5

If we truly seek God, we will “see” Him in our physical world. “The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Romans 1:20-21 KJV

Bible open on a persons lap with hand on its pages

The C’s of Genesis

Genesis is foundational in explaining our world and understanding the chaos we find ourselves in. Chapter’s 1-11 is the bedrock upon which all the other sixty-five books of God’s written Word have been built upon. Throughout Scripture God repeats and enlarges His word to provide us with complete understanding of essential truths from which faith grows. The Genesis account is the full expression of God’s glory, love, justice, and redemptive plan.

What About the Age of the Earth?

If you take the days of creation as ordinary days and then consider all the genealogy in scripture (Adam to Abraham to today) you get about 6000 years. It isn’t exact, but we are given enough of the history to know that the earth is not billions of years old.

How Old is the Earth?

The question of the age of the earth has produced heated discussions on Internet debate boards, TV, radio, in classrooms, and in many churches, Christian colleges, and seminaries. The primary sides are young earth versus old earth proponents. The difference is immense! Let’s give a little history of where these two basic calculations came from and which worldview is more reasonable.

Let God’s Word Speak for Itself

It is important to have trust in the source of where one is obtaining their information, especially in matters so essential to life and death…eternally speaking. The question one must answer, Is there ample evidence to conclude that the Bible is, in fact, a volume of divine origin?’

Inspired Word of God…or Not

Is the Bible really God-breathed? Were men really inspired by the Holy Spirit to record its contents? If so, how do we know it was accurately preserved for thousands of years as a unique revelation from God? Do we even have the right books in the Bible, or are there important sources missing that would change our view of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Christian walk? Can we really trust Scripture? If so, is the Bible vital and relevant to us today? OR is it just a collection of humanly devised myths and fables? Truth Matters investigate what this blog has to say about the subject.

The Godhead

Romans 1:20, For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: The “Godhead” has always been understood by Christian theologians to refer to the divine Trinity—Father, Son and Holy …

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The Big Picture – God’s Attributes

Throughout history there have been a range of ideas of what God is like. With so many views of what God is like, how can anyone say he or she has the right view of God? The question then becomes what foundation is used to determine what God is like? If there is an all-powerful, all knowing, all present, all loving God who created all things, then created beings could only understand what God reveals to them. Guess what? This is the exact claim the Bible makes!

Is there any evidence for an infinite God?

The interesting things is that that information is not in the molecule, the information is in arranged in a particular order to write the information. Consider a book, the information contained in the book – the information to be read is not in the molecule, rather the ink has been arranged in letters, the letters are arranged in a particular order to create words which are then arranged to create sentences, and because the language is understood it is written in, that is where the information can be understood. One must have the language to read the information the book contains. Here is the interesting fact, DNA itself has the information that makes the language to read the information, to make the language to read the information, to make the language to read the information, and so on. Another words you have to have the language to read the information, otherwise it won’t work; and its all got to be there at the same time.